module Company module Mapping #TFIDF class implements Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency statistic. Term frequency–inverse document frequency, # is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. class TFIDF attr_accessor :tf, :idf def initialize(corpus) @corpus = corpus end #Calculates the tf-idf weights in the given corpus def calculate @tfidf = @idf ||= @tf ||= @idf_weights = @idf.calculate @corpus.each do |doc| termfreq = @tf.calculate(doc.contents) @tfidf[] = termfreq.each_with_object({}) do |(term, tf), tfidf_weights| weight = tf * @idf_weights[term] tfidf_weights[term] = weight end end @tfidf end #Calculates tfidf weights of new incoming document without importing the document in the corpus and re-calculating the tf-idf weights for the entire corpus def calculate_tfidf_weights_of_new_document(new_doc) termfreq = @tf.calculate(new_doc.contents) @tfidf[] = termfreq.each_with_object({}) do |(term, tf), tfidf_weights| weight = tf * (@idf_weights[term] || @idf.maxIDF) tfidf_weights[term] = weight end @tfidf end #Calculates tf-idf similarity between two given documents. It is actually #the calculated Cosine Similarity by using tf*idf weights. def similarity(doc1_id, doc2_id) @tfidf ||= calculate[doc1_id], @tfidf[doc2_id]) end end end end