class LittleMathPet # This is used to match numbers in regular expressions NUMBER_RX = '[\+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?' # This is used to match mathematical signs in regular expressions SIGN_RX = '[\+\-\/\*\^]' PARENTHESES_CAPTURE_RX = /\(([^\(\)]+)\)/ # The proper math order (power, multiplication/division and addiction/subtraction) MATH_ORDER = [%w[^], %w[* /], %w[+ -]] # The processes to use for the math MATH_PROCS = { '-' =>{|a,b| a-b}, '+' =>{|a,b| a+b}, '*' =>{|a,b| a*b}, '/' =>{|a,b| a/b}, '^' =>{|a,b| a**b} } def initialize(math_expression) @math = math_expression @math = @math.gsub(/\s/, '') # no spaces allowed @math = @math.gsub(/\:/, '/') # 4:2 -> 4/2 @math = @math.gsub(/\*\*/, '^') # 4**2 -> 4^2 to make it easier to differantiate from 4*2 @math = @math.gsub(/\[/, '(') @math = @math.gsub(/\]/, ')') # If we add/subtract a percent, we multiply/divide by `1 + (percent / 100)` @math.gsub!(/(\+|\-)(#{NUMBER_RX})%/) do |match| case $1 when "+" "*#{1 + ($2.to_f / 100)}" when "-" "*#{1 - ($2.to_f / 100)}" end end # All other percents: just divide by 100 @math.gsub!(/(#{NUMBER_RX})%/) do |num| $1.to_f / 100 end end def calc(variables = {}) unless variables.empty? variables.each do |letter, number| @math.gsub!(letter.to_s, number.to_s) end end raise 'Invalid math expression' unless @math[/^[\d\-\+\/\*\^\.\(\)]+$/] do_math(@math) end private # This is the top level method which deals with the various cases def do_math(math) case math when PARENTHESES_CAPTURE_RX # match parentheses math = math.gsub(PARENTHESES_CAPTURE_RX) do |match| do_math($1) end do_math(math) when /^#{NUMBER_RX}(?:#{SIGN_RX}#{NUMBER_RX})+$/ solve_math(math) when /^#{NUMBER_RX}$/ math.to_f when /^#{SIGN_RX}$/ math else raise "Invalid math expression: #{math}" end end # This is the actual solver that invokes the marh Procs def solve_math(math) first_number, rest = math.scan(/^(#{NUMBER_RX})((?:#{SIGN_RX}#{NUMBER_RX})+)$/).flatten parts = ([first_number] + rest.scan(/(#{SIGN_RX})(#{NUMBER_RX})/)).flatten # at this point, `parts` consists of math signs and numbers in string format until parts.all?{|p| p.to_s[/^#{SIGN_RX}$/] or p.is_a?(Float)} parts.collect! do |part| do_math(part) end end # at this point, `parts consists of math signs and numbers in float format # reduces the math expression one process at a time until we have a number until parts.length == 1 i = 0 proc_positions = parts.inject({}) do |hash, part| if part.to_s[/^#{SIGN_RX}$/] hash[part] ||= i end i += 1 hash end next_proc = nil next_position = nil MATH_ORDER.each do |symbols| unless (symbols & proc_positions.keys).empty? or next_proc next_proc = (symbols & proc_positions.keys).min_by do |p| proc_positions[p] end next_position = proc_positions[next_proc] end end if parts[next_position][/^#{SIGN_RX}$/] result = MATH_PROCS[parts[next_position]].call((parts[next_position-1] || 0), parts[next_position+1]) parts[next_position-1] = parts[next_position+1] = nil parts[next_position] = result parts.compact! else raise 'Invalid math expression' end end return parts.first end end