# frozen_string_literal: true module Spotlight ## # General spotlight application helpers module ApplicationHelper include CrudLinkHelpers include TitleHelper include MetaHelper include CropHelper include LanguagesHelper ## # Give the application name a chance to include the exhibit title def application_name name = site_title name ||= super if current_exhibit t :'spotlight.application_name', exhibit: current_exhibit.title, application_name: name, default: t('spotlight.application_name', locale: I18n.default_locale, exhibit: current_exhibit.title, application_name: name) else name end end def site_title current_site.title.presence end # Returns the url for the current page in the new locale. This may be # overridden in downstream applications where our naive use of `url_for` # is insufficient to generate the expected routes def current_page_for_locale(locale) initial_exception = nil ([self] + additional_locale_routing_scopes).each do |scope| return scope.public_send(:url_for, params.to_unsafe_h.merge(locale:)) rescue ActionController::UrlGenerationError => e initial_exception ||= e end raise initial_exception end def additional_locale_routing_scopes [spotlight, main_app] end # Can search for named routes directly in the main app, omitting # the "main_app." prefix def method_missing(method, *args, &) if main_app_url_helper?(method) main_app.send(method, *args) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method, *args) main_app_url_helper?(method) || super end ## # Override Blacklight's #document_action_path helper to add # the current exhibit context def document_action_path(action_opts, url_opts = nil) if current_exhibit model_name = current_exhibit.blacklight_config.document_model.model_name spotlight.send(action_opts.path || "#{action_opts.key}_exhibit_#{model_name.collection}_path", url_opts) else super end end ## # Helper to turn tag data into facets def url_to_tag_facet(tag) if current_exhibit search_action_url(search_state.reset.filter(:exhibit_tags).add(tag).params) else search_action_url(q: tag) end end ## # Override Blacklight's #render_document_class to inject a private class def render_document_class(document = @document) [ super, ("#{document_class_prefix}private" if document.private?(current_exhibit)) ].join(' ') end # Return a copy of the blacklight configuration # that only includes views conifgured by our block def blacklight_view_config_for_search_block(block) return {} if block.view.blank? # Reject any views that aren't configured to display for this block blacklight_config.view.select do |view, _| block.view.include? view.to_s end end def block_document_index_view_type(block) views = blacklight_view_config_for_search_block(block) selected_view = if views.key? document_index_view_type document_index_view_type else views.keys.first end selected_view || default_document_index_view_type end # Return the list of views that are configured to display for a block def selected_search_block_views(block) block.as_json[:data].select do |_key, value| value == 'on' end.keys.map(&:to_s) end # Create checkbox for selecting/deselecting metadata fields for a given view in metadata configuration def select_deselect_action(id) check_box_tag( id, class: 'metadata-select', data: { behavior: 'metadata-select' } ) end def uploaded_field_label(config) solr_field = Array(config.solr_field || config.field_name).first.to_s blacklight_config.index_fields[solr_field]&.label || config.label || t(".#{solr_field}") end def available_view_fields current_exhibit.blacklight_configuration.default_blacklight_config.view.to_h.reject { |_k, v| v.if == false } end def exhibit_stylesheet_link_tag(tag) if current_exhibit_theme && current_exhibit.theme != 'default' stylesheet_link_tag "#{tag}_#{current_exhibit_theme}" else Rails.logger.warn "Exhibit theme '#{current_exhibit_theme}' not in the list of available themes: #{current_exhibit.themes}" stylesheet_link_tag(tag) end end def current_exhibit_theme current_exhibit.theme if current_exhibit && current_exhibit.theme.present? && current_exhibit.themes.include?(current_exhibit.theme) end def render_search_bar return super if defined?(super) render((blacklight_config&.view_config(document_index_view_type)&.search_bar_component || Blacklight::SearchBarComponent).new( url: search_action_url, advanced_search_url: search_action_url(action: 'advanced_search'), params: search_state.params_for_search.except(:qt), autocomplete_path: suggest_index_catalog_path )) end def render_constraints(localized_params = nil, local_search_state = nil) return super if defined?(super) local_search_state ||= convert_to_search_state(localized_params || search_state) constraints_component = blacklight_config&.view_config(document_index_view_type)&.constraints_component constraints_component ||= Blacklight::ConstraintsComponent render(constraints_component.new(search_state: local_search_state)) end private def convert_to_search_state(params_or_search_state) if params_or_search_state.is_a? Blacklight::SearchState params_or_search_state else # deprecated controller.search_state_class.new(params_or_search_state, blacklight_config, controller) end end def main_app_url_helper?(method) method.to_s.end_with?('_path', '_url') && main_app.respond_to?(method) end end end