module BeakerSpecHelper hosts.each do |host| # Workaround for Ubuntu utopic and vivid if host['platform'] =~ /ubuntu-(14.10|15.04)/ # Ugly Monkey patching... module Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils::PuppetUtils def install_puppet_from_deb( host, opts ) if ! host.check_for_package 'lsb-release' host.install_package('lsb-release') end if ! host.check_for_command 'curl' on host, 'apt-get install -y curl' end on host, 'curl -O' on host, 'dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb' on host, 'apt-get update' if opts[:facter_version] on host, "apt-get install -y facter=#{opts[:facter_version]}-1puppetlabs1" end if opts[:hiera_version] on host, "apt-get install -y hiera=#{opts[:hiera_version]}-1puppetlabs1" end if opts[:version] on host, "apt-get install -y puppet-common=#{opts[:version]}-1puppetlabs1" on host, "apt-get install -y puppet=#{opts[:version]}-1puppetlabs1" else on host, 'apt-get install -y puppet' end end end end end ### # Copied/pasted/adapted from puppetlabs_spec_helper's lib/puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks.rb # def fixtures(host, category) begin fixtures = YAML.load_file(".fixtures.yml")["fixtures"] rescue Errno::ENOENT return {} end if not fixtures abort("malformed fixtures.yml") end result = {} if fixtures.include? category and fixtures[category] != nil fixtures[category].each do |fixture, opts| if opts.instance_of?(String) source = opts target = "#{host['distmoduledir']}/#{fixture}" real_source = eval('"'+source+'"') result[real_source] = target elsif opts.instance_of?(Hash) target = "#{host['distmoduledir']}/#{fixture}" real_source = eval('"'+opts["repo"]+'"') result[real_source] = { "target" => target, "ref" => opts["ref"], "branch" => opts["branch"], "scm" => opts["scm"] } end end end return result end def clone_repo(host, scm, remote, target, ref=nil, branch=nil) args = [] case scm when 'hg' args.push('clone') args.push('-u', ref) if ref args.push(remote, target) when 'git' args.push('clone') args.push('--depth 1') unless ref args.push('-b', branch) if branch args.push(remote, target) else fail "Unfortunately #{scm} is not supported yet" end on host, "#{scm} #{args.flatten.join ' '} || true" end def revision(host, scm, target, ref) args = [] case scm when 'hg' args.push('update', 'clean', '-r', ref) when 'git' args.push('reset', '--hard', ref) else fail "Unfortunately #{scm} is not supported yet" end on host, "cd #{target} && #{scm} #{args.flatten.join ' '}" end def spec_prep(host) fixtures(host, "repositories").each do |remote, opts| scm = 'git' if opts.instance_of?(String) target = opts elsif opts.instance_of?(Hash) target = opts["target"] ref = opts["ref"] scm = opts["scm"] if opts["scm"] branch = opts["branch"] if opts["branch"] end unless File::exists?(target) || clone_repo(host, scm, remote, target, ref, branch) fail "Failed to clone #{scm} repository #{remote} into #{target}" end revision(host, scm, target, ref) if ref end fixtures(host, "forge_modules").each do |remote, opts| if opts.instance_of?(String) target = opts ref = "" elsif opts.instance_of?(Hash) target = opts["target"] ref = "--version #{opts['ref']}" end next if File::exists?(target) on host, puppet('module', 'install', ref, '--ignore-dependencies', '--force', remote), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] } end end # # ### end