# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Briard::Metadata, vcr: true do subject { described_class.new(input: input) } let(:input) { 'https://github.com/datacite/maremma/blob/master/codemeta.json' } context 'get codemeta raw' do it 'rdataone' do input = "#{fixture_path}codemeta.json" subject = described_class.new(input: input) expect(subject.raw).to eq(File.read(input).strip) end end context 'get codemeta metadata' do it 'maremma' do expect(subject.valid?).to be true expect(subject.id).to eq('https://doi.org/10.5438/qeg0-3gm3') expect(subject.url).to eq('https://github.com/datacite/maremma') expect(subject.types).to eq('bibtex' => 'misc', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Software', 'ris' => 'COMP', 'schemaOrg' => 'SoftwareSourceCode') expect(subject.creators).to eq([{ 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'DataCite' }], 'familyName' => 'Fenner', 'givenName' => 'Martin', 'name' => 'Fenner, Martin', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }]) expect(subject.titles).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls' }]) expect(subject.descriptions.first['description']).to start_with('Ruby utility library for network requests') expect(subject.subjects).to eq([{ 'subject' => 'faraday' }, { 'subject' => 'excon' }, { 'subject' => 'net/http' }]) expect(subject.dates).to eq([{ 'date' => '2017-02-24', 'dateType' => 'Issued' }, { 'date' => '2015-11-28', 'dateType' => 'Created' }, { 'date' => '2017-02-24', 'dateType' => 'Updated' }]) expect(subject.publication_year).to eq('2017') expect(subject.publisher).to eq('DataCite') expect(subject.rights_list).to eq([{ 'rights' => 'MIT License', 'rightsIdentifier' => 'mit', 'rightsIdentifierScheme' => 'SPDX', 'rightsUri' => 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT', 'schemeUri' => 'https://spdx.org/licenses/' }]) end it 'rdataone' do input = "#{fixture_path}codemeta.json" subject = described_class.new(input: input) expect(subject.id).to eq('https://doi.org/10.5063/f1m61h5x') expect(subject.url).to eq('https://github.com/DataONEorg/rdataone') expect(subject.types).to eq('bibtex' => 'misc', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Software', 'ris' => 'COMP', 'schemaOrg' => 'SoftwareSourceCode') expect(subject.creators).to eq([{ 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'NCEAS' }], 'familyName' => 'Jones', 'givenName' => 'Matt', 'name' => 'Jones, Matt', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }, { 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'NCEAS' }], 'familyName' => 'Slaughter', 'givenName' => 'Peter', 'name' => 'Slaughter, Peter', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2192-403X', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }, { 'name' => 'University Of California, Santa Barbara', 'nameType' => 'Organizational', 'nameIdentifiers' => [], 'affiliation' => [] }]) expect(subject.titles).to eq([{ 'title' => 'R Interface to the DataONE REST API' }]) expect(subject.descriptions.first['description']).to start_with('Provides read and write access to data and metadata') expect(subject.subjects).to eq([{ 'subject' => 'data sharing' }, { 'subject' => 'data repository' }, { 'subject' => 'dataone' }]) expect(subject.version_info).to eq('2.0.0') expect(subject.dates).to eq([{ 'date' => '2016-05-27', 'dateType' => 'Issued' }, { 'date' => '2016-05-27', 'dateType' => 'Created' }, { 'date' => '2016-05-27', 'dateType' => 'Updated' }]) expect(subject.publication_year).to eq('2016') expect(subject.publisher).to eq('https://cran.r-project.org') expect(subject.rights_list).to eq([{ 'rights' => 'Apache License 2.0', 'rightsIdentifier' => 'apache-2.0', 'rightsIdentifierScheme' => 'SPDX', 'rightsUri' => 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0', 'schemeUri' => 'https://spdx.org/licenses/' }]) end it 'maremma' do input = "#{fixture_path}maremma/codemeta.json" subject = described_class.new(input: input) expect(subject.valid?).to be true expect(subject.id).to eq('https://doi.org/10.5438/qeg0-3gm3') expect(subject.url).to eq('https://github.com/datacite/maremma') expect(subject.types).to eq('bibtex' => 'misc', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Software', 'ris' => 'COMP', 'schemaOrg' => 'SoftwareSourceCode') expect(subject.creators).to eq([{ 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'DataCite' }], 'familyName' => 'Fenner', 'givenName' => 'Martin', 'name' => 'Fenner, Martin', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }]) expect(subject.titles).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls' }]) expect(subject.descriptions.first['description']).to start_with('Simplifies network calls') expect(subject.subjects).to eq([{ 'subject' => 'faraday' }, { 'subject' => 'excon' }, { 'subject' => 'net/http' }]) expect(subject.dates).to eq([{ 'date' => '2017-02-24', 'dateType' => 'Issued' }, { 'date' => '2015-11-28', 'dateType' => 'Created' }, { 'date' => '2017-02-24', 'dateType' => 'Updated' }]) expect(subject.publication_year).to eq('2017') expect(subject.publisher).to eq('DataCite') expect(subject.rights_list).to eq([{ 'rights' => 'MIT License', 'rightsIdentifier' => 'mit', 'rightsIdentifierScheme' => 'SPDX', 'rightsUri' => 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT', 'schemeUri' => 'https://spdx.org/licenses/' }]) end it 'metadata_reports' do input = 'https://github.com/datacite/metadata-reports/blob/master/software/codemeta.json' subject = described_class.new(input: input) expect(subject.valid?).to be true expect(subject.id).to eq('https://doi.org/10.5438/wr0x-e194') expect(subject.url).to eq('https://github.com/datacite/metadata-reports') expect(subject.types).to eq('bibtex' => 'misc', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Software', 'ris' => 'COMP', 'schemaOrg' => 'SoftwareSourceCode') expect(subject.creators.size).to eq(4) expect(subject.creators.last).to eq('familyName' => 'Nielsen', 'givenName' => 'Lars Holm', 'name' => 'Nielsen, Lars Holm', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8135-3489', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal', 'affiliation' => []) expect(subject.titles).to eq([{ 'title' => 'DOI Registrations for Software' }]) expect(subject.descriptions.first['description']).to start_with('Analysis of DataCite DOIs registered for software') expect(subject.subjects).to eq([{ 'subject' => 'doi' }, { 'subject' => 'software' }, { 'subject' => 'codemeta' }]) expect(subject.dates).to eq([{ 'date' => '2018-05-17', 'dateType' => 'Issued' }, { 'date' => '2018-03-09', 'dateType' => 'Created' }, { 'date' => '2018-05-17', 'dateType' => 'Updated' }]) expect(subject.publication_year).to eq('2018') expect(subject.publisher).to eq('DataCite') expect(subject.rights_list).to eq([{ 'rights' => 'MIT License', 'rightsIdentifier' => 'mit', 'rightsIdentifierScheme' => 'SPDX', 'rightsUri' => 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT', 'schemeUri' => 'https://spdx.org/licenses/' }]) end end end