# Unpack*(er)* - *run files, run* ## What is Unpack? Unpack makes it possible to unarchive rar and zip files using ruby. You pass a directory and it will find all your archive files, unpack and remove them (if you want to). ## So how do I use it? ### Start by installing the gem sudo gem install unpack Start `irb` and include the gem, `require 'unpack'` ## Working with a directory ### Unpack everything in the current directory $ Unpack.runner! => [#] ### Unpack everything in another directory $ Unpack.runner!('/some/dir') => [#] ### Unpack and delete archived file $ Unpack.runner!('.', remove: true) => [#] $ Unpack.runner!('.', remove: true) => [] ### Remove every archive file, even if nothing where unpacked $ Unpack.runner!('.', remove: true, force_remove: true) => [] ### Unpack all archived file, but not deeper 3 folders down $ Unpack.runner!('.', depth: 3) => [#] ### Unpack everything, even one file directories To prevent you from unarchive files in folders that contains subtitles and other nonrelevant files, the folder must contain 5 archive files or more. If you want to unpack everything, even subtitles directories, then you will have to specify the `min_files` option. $ Unpack.runner!('.', min_files: 0) => [#] ## Working with one specific file ### Unpack a file $ Unpack.it!(file: 'zip/my_file.zip') => [#] ### Unpack a specific file, removing it when done $ Unpack.it!(file: 'zip/my_file.zip', remove: true) => [#] ### Unpack a specific file and move the new files to a destination directory $ Unpack.it!(file: 'zip/my_file.zip', to: '/tmp') => [#] ## Some configure alternatives ### The *runner!* method - ** :min_files ** (Integer) The minimum amount of files in the directory you want to archive the files in. *Default is 5*. - ** :depth ** (Integer) The maximum folder depth. *Default is 2*. - ** :debugger ** (Boolean) Prints some debug output into the console. *Default is false*. - ** :force_remove ** (Boolean) Remove rarfiles, even if no files where unarchived. *Default is false*. **To get this to work you also have to set the `remove` option to true**. - ** :remove ** (Boolean) Removes archived files after they have been used. *Default is false*. - ** :absolute_path_to_unrar ** (String) The absolut path to the unrar binary. *Default is the [unrar](http://homepage.mac.com/pnoriega/unrar.html) binary that comes with the gem*. ### The *it!* method - **:to** (String) The absolute or relative path to the destination directory. If nothing is defined, the *:file* path will be used. - **:file** (String) The absolute or relative path to the archive file. - **:remove** (Boolean) See the *runner!* method above - **:absolute_path_to_unrar** (String) See the *runner!* method above - **:debugger** (String) See the *runner!* method above ## What is being returned? The `runner!` method returns an `Array` of `Container` instances. The `it!` method returns an instance of `Container`. These are the accessors of the `Container` class. - **files** (String) The absolut path to the files that where unarchived. - **directory** (String) The absolut path to the folder containing the files. ## This sounds supr, how do I help? - Start by copying the project or make your own branch. - Navigate to the root path of the project and run `bundle`. - Start by running all tests using rspec, `autotest`. - Implement your own code, write some tests, commit and do a pull request. ## Requirements The gem is tested in OS X 10.6.6 using Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7. ## Thanks to ... - the [UnRarX](http://homepage.mac.com/pnoriega/unrar.html) team that provies the unrar binary. - [NinoScript](https://github.com/NinoScript) that solved the console-escaping issue - [see this commit](https://github.com/oleander/Unpack/commit/dd7e46200a490c7af9fc5f770127291192a818f5).