o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1318648704.8232529°-: @value{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset; FI"id; F"%c2a6d9f7b3a18681c01341ceec45629eI"logical_path; FI"qunit_example.js; FI" pathname; FI",$root/test/javascripts/qunit_example.js; FI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; FI"2011-10-14T21:18:24-06:00; FI" body; FI"à//sinon.config.useFakeTimers = false; module("TDD JavaScript, Rails 3.1 and the Asset Pipeline"); test("Are you TDD'ing your JS?", function(){ expect( 1 ); var tests = "No tests D:"; equals( tests, "Lots of tests :D", "How many tests?" ); }); // Use this to test whether or not Sinon is messing with your timers //asyncTest("timeout should something something", function(){ //setTimeout(function(){ //start(); //ok(true, "Yay!"); //}, 1); //}); ; FI"asset_paths; F[I",$root/test/javascripts/qunit_example.js; FI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; FI",$root/test/javascripts/qunit_example.js; FI" mtime; FIu: Time ã倀I: @_zoneI"MDT; T: offsetiþ «I"hexdigest; F"%e31021eac064984a106c0d83f04ff9f1I" _version; F"%bb86174cee9b8a939ac3885b2d18e284