require 'helper' class TestMonkeyPatches < Test::Unit::TestCase context "String patches" do should "convert a string with a regex and template" do assert_equal "?1234567890=abcdefg".convert('^.(.........)', '$1'), "123456789" assert_equal "?1234567890=abcdefg".convert('^.(\d{9})', '$1'), "123456789" assert_equal "?1234567890=abcdefg".convert('\?(\d+)=', '$1'), "1234567890" end should "escape/unescape strings for use in URLs" do assert_equal "foo/bar,boo:car".escape, "foo%2Fbar%2Cboo%3Acar" assert_equal "foo%2Fbar%2Cboo%3Acar".unescape, "foo/bar,boo:car" end should "hash strings with sha1 and md5" do assert_equal "commonthread".to_sha, "dc8e89d0a8d2364c4c3d2231f63df6a792667de2" assert_equal "commonthread".to_md5, "9a5c2ec77af09d5673a475566d4ccf14" end should "make possesive strings" do assert_equal "chris".to_possesive, "chris'" assert_equal "jason".to_possesive, "jason's" end should "strip xml" do assert_equal "inner".xml_strip, "inner" assert_equal "inner text".xml_strip, "inner text" end should "wrap text" do assert_equal "pipe me".wrap('|'), "|pipe me|" assert_equal "bracket me".wrap('<','>'), "" end should "make pretty url fragments" do assert_equal "commonthread rails".to_pretty_url, "commonthread_rails" assert_equal "commonthread rails".to_pretty_url, "commonthread_rails" assert_equal "commonthread_rails".to_pretty_url, "commonthread_rails" assert_equal "commonthread-rails".to_pretty_url, "commonthread-rails" assert_equal "commonthread-rails v0.1.1".to_pretty_url, "commonthread-rails_v011" end should "make random strings" do assert String.rand =~ /^[a-z0-9]{8}$/ assert String.rand(5) =~ /^[a-z0-9]{5}$/ end should "check if string is an email" do assert "".email? assert ! "".email? end should "check if string is a phone number" do assert "800.555.1212".phone? assert "800-555-1212".phone? assert "(800) 555-1212".phone? assert ! "800.555.121".phone? end should "check if string is a date" do assert "08/02/1980".date? assert "08-02-1980".date? assert "Aug 2, 1980".date? assert ! "08021980".date? end end context "Array patches" do setup do @numbers = (1..99).to_a @scores = [50, 75, 100] @letters = ('A'..'Z').to_a end should "find random item" do assert @numbers.rand.is_a?(Integer) assert @letters.rand.is_a?(String) random_number = @numbers.rand assert @numbers.find{|n| n == random_number} random_letter = @letters.rand assert @letters.find{|l| l == random_letter} end should "find maximum value of block" do assert_equal @numbers.maximum{|n| n}, 99 assert_equal @letters.maximum{|l| l}, 'Z' end should "find minimum value of block" do assert_equal @numbers.minimum{|n| n}, 1 assert_equal @letters.minimum{|l| l}, 'A' end should "find average value of block" do assert_equal @scores.average{|s| s}, 75 end end context "NilClass patches" do should "not fail on each" do assert_equal nil.each, nil end should "not fail on to_s" do assert_equal nil.to_s, "" assert_equal nil.to_s(:standard), "" end should "not fail on to_xs" do assert_equal nil.to_xs, "" end should "not fail on empty?" do assert nil.empty? end should "not fail on blank?" do assert nil.blank? end end context "Object Patches" do setup do class Foo def self.class_bar "bar" end def instance_bar "bar" end end @foo = end should "have my_method properties" do assert_equal Foo.class_bar, "bar" assert_equal @foo.instance_bar, "bar" assert_equal Foo.my_methods, ["class_bar"] assert_not_equal Foo.methods, ["class_bar"] assert_equal @foo.my_methods, ["instance_bar"] assert_not_equal @foo.methods, ["instance_bar"] end end end