module Lanes module Extensions class Definition include ::Lanes::Concerns::AttrAccessorWithDefault def self.inherited(klass) Extensions.add(klass) end attr_reader :context attr_accessor_with_default :client_js_aliases, lambda{ } attr_accessor_with_default :title, '' attr_accessor_with_default :load_phase, :late attr_accessor_with_default :identifier # Array of Pathname's to add to sprockets attr_accessor_with_default :root_path attr_accessor_with_default :db_table_prefix # Load extension before/after the named extensions class_attribute :before class_attribute :after def self.components(*names) Components.enable(*names) end def initialize self.add_to_load_path end def load_after(extension) self.after = extension end def load_before(extension) self.before = extension end def client_bootstrap_data(view) {} end def stylesheet_include self.identifier + '/styles' end def javascript_include self.identifier end def client_namespace identifier.underscore.camelize end def client_paths [ root_path.join('client') ] end def static_paths client_paths.each_with_object( do |path, result| Lanes.config.static_asset_types.each do | prefix | result << path.join(prefix) if path.join(prefix).exist? end end end def each_static_asset static_paths.each do | path | path.find.each do | entry | yield entry if entry.file? end end end def route(route_set) routes_config = root_path.join('config','routes.rb') if routes_config.exist? require routes_config end end def on_boot end def add_to_load_path @in_load_path_set ||= ( lib = root_path.join('lib').to_s $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) ) end def apply_configuration config_file = root_path.join('config', 'lanes.rb') if config_file.exist? require config_file end end end class Base < Definition identifier "lanes" title "Lanes Application" root_path"..","..","..").expand_path def stylesheet_include nil end def javascript_include nil end def on_boot if Lanes.env.test? && Extensions.controlling.class == self.class Extensions.lock_controlling! require_relative("../workspace/extension") end end end end end