<% if @resource_options[:layout] == :table row_id = "#tr_#{@resource_options[:item_name]}_#{@r_object.id}" elsif @resource_options[:layout] == :feed row_id = "#div_#{@resource_options[:item_name]}_#{@r_object.id}" end %> <% show_id = "#div_#{@resource_options[:item_name]}_show" %> <% if @r_object && @r_object.errors.blank? %> <% locals = {@resource_options[:item_name].to_sym => @r_object, i: -1} if @row_partial_locals && @row_partial_locals.is_a?(Hash) && !@row_partial_locals.empty? locals.merge!(@row_partial_locals) end %> // Updating the edited row and highlighting it $("<%= row_id %>").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial=>"#{@resource_options[:view_path]}/row", locals: locals)) %>"); $("<%= row_id %>").css("background-color", "#fffddd"); <% if @resource_options[:show_modal_after_update] %> // Refresh the modal content if it is open $("<%= show_id %>").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial=>"#{@resource_options[:view_path]}/show")) %>") <% else %> // Closing the modal if it is opened <% if @resource_options[:form_model_size] == :generic %> closeGenericModal(); <% elsif @resource_options[:form_model_size] == :large %> closeLargeModal(); <% end %> <% end %> // Closing the modal showAndHideModals(); // Showing Growl Like Message notifySuccess("<%= @notification[:title] %>", "<%= @notification[:message] %>"); <% else %> // Updating the row which got errored and highlighting it $("<%= row_id %>").css("background-color", "#ffefef"); // Showing Growl Like Message notifyError("<%= escape_javascript(@notification[:title]) %>", "<%= escape_javascript(raw(@notification[:message])) %>"); <% end %>