# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_model/conversion' require 'active_model/naming' require 'active_model/lint' module SearchObject module Plugin class ExtendedModel include SearchObject.module(:model) scope { [] } # Fake errors # Since SearchObject is focused on plain search forms, # validations are not needed most of the time def errors Hash.new([]) end end describe ExtendedModel do include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests let(:model) { subject } def assert(condition, message = nil) expect(condition).to be_truthy, message end def assert_kind_of(expected_kind, object, message = nil) expect(object).to be_kind_of(expected_kind), message end def assert_equal(expected_value, value, message = nil) expect(value).to eq(expected_value), message end def assert_respond_to(object, method, message = nil) expect(object).to respond_to(method), message end ActiveModel::Lint::Tests.public_instance_methods.map(&:to_s).grep(/^test/).each do |method| example(method.tr('_', ' ')) { send method } end end end end