// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ // This file tests the initial state of the store when it is first created // either independently or as a chained store. var Rec = SC.Record.extend({ title: SC.Record.attr(String), fired: NO, reset: function() { this.fired = NO; }, titleDidChange: function() { this.fired = YES; }.observes('title') }); // .......................................................... // SC.Store#chain - init // module("SC.Store#chain - init"); test("initial setup for chained store", function() { var parent = SC.Store.create(); var store = parent.chain(); ok(store !== parent, 'chain should return new child store'); equals(store.get('parentStore'), parent, 'should have parentStore'); equals(SC.typeOf(store.dataHashes), SC.T_HASH, 'should have dataHashes'); parent.dataHashes.foo = 'bar'; equals(store.dataHashes.foo, 'bar', 'dataHashes should inherit from parent'); equals(SC.typeOf(store.revisions), SC.T_HASH, 'should have revisions'); parent.revisions.foo = 'bar'; equals(store.revisions.foo, 'bar', 'revisions should inherit from parent'); equals(SC.typeOf(store.statuses), SC.T_HASH, 'should have statuses'); parent.statuses.foo = 'bar'; equals(store.statuses.foo, 'bar', 'statuses should inherit from parent'); ok(!store.locks, 'should not have locks'); ok(!store.chainedChanges, 'should not have chainedChanges'); ok(!store.editables, 'should not have editables'); }); test("allow for custom subclasses of SC.NestedStore", function() { var parent = SC.Store.create(); // We should get an exception if we specify a "subclass" that's not a class var ex = null; try { var bogus = parent.chain({}, "I am not a class"); } catch(e) { ex = e; } ok(ex && ex.message && ex.message.indexOf('not a valid class') !== -1, 'chain should report that our bogus "class" it is not a valid class'); // We should get an exception if we specify a class that's not a subclass of // SC.NestedStore ex = null; try { var bogus = parent.chain({}, SC.Store); } catch(e) { ex = e; } ok(ex && ex.message && ex.message.indexOf('is not a type of SC.NestedStore') !== -1, 'chain should report that our class needs to be a subclass of SC.NestedStore'); // Our specified (proper!) subclass should be respected. var MyNestedStoreSubclass = SC.NestedStore.extend(); var nested = parent.chain({}, MyNestedStoreSubclass); ok(nested.kindOf(MyNestedStoreSubclass), 'our nested store should be the SC.NestedStore subclass we specified'); }); // .......................................................... // SC.Store#chain - use & propagation // module("SC.Store#chain - use & propagation"); test("chained store changes should propagate reliably", function() { var parent = SC.Store.create(), rec, store, rec2; SC.run(function() { parent.loadRecords(Rec, [{ title: "foo", guid: 1 }]); }); rec = parent.find(Rec, 1); ok(rec && rec.get('title')==='foo', 'precond - base store should have record'); // run several times to make sure this works reliably when used several // times in the same app // trial 1 SC.RunLoop.begin(); store = parent.chain(); rec2 = store.find(Rec, 1); ok(rec2 && rec2.get('title')==='foo', 'chain store should have record'); rec.reset(); rec2.set('title', 'bar'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec2.get('title'), 'bar', 'chained rec.title should changed'); equals(rec.get('title'), 'foo', 'original rec.title should NOT change'); equals(store.get('hasChanges'), YES, 'chained store.hasChanges'); equals(rec.fired, NO, 'original rec.title should not have notified'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); rec.reset(); store.commitChanges(); store.destroy(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec.get('title'), 'bar', 'original rec.title should change'); equals(rec.fired, YES, 'original rec.title should have notified'); // trial 2 SC.RunLoop.begin(); store = parent.chain(); rec2 = store.find(Rec, 1); ok(rec2 && rec2.get('title')==='bar', 'chain store should have record'); rec.reset(); rec2.set('title', 'baz'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec2.get('title'), 'baz', 'chained rec.title should changed'); equals(rec.get('title'), 'bar', 'original rec.title should NOT change'); equals(store.get('hasChanges'), YES, 'chained store.hasChanges'); equals(rec.fired, NO, 'original rec.title should not have notified'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); rec.reset(); store.commitChanges(); store.destroy(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec.get('title'), 'baz', 'original rec.title should change'); equals(rec.fired, YES, 'original rec.title should have notified'); // trial 3 SC.RunLoop.begin(); store = parent.chain(); rec2 = store.find(Rec, 1); ok(rec2 && rec2.get('title')==='baz', 'chain store should have record'); rec.reset(); rec2.set('title', 'FOO2'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec2.get('title'), 'FOO2', 'chained rec.title should changed'); equals(rec.get('title'), 'baz', 'original rec.title should NOT change'); equals(store.get('hasChanges'), YES, 'chained store.hasChanges'); equals(rec.fired, NO, 'original rec.title should not have notified'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); rec.reset(); store.commitChanges(); store.destroy(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(rec.get('title'), 'FOO2', 'original rec.title should change'); equals(rec.fired, YES, 'original rec.title should have notified'); }); test("record retrievals triggered from a chained store and returned to the parent store should be reflected in the chained store", function() { var parent = SC.Store.create().from(SC.DataSource.create({ retrieveRecords: function(store, storeKeys, ids) { this.invokeLast(function() { storeKeys.forEach(function(key, i) { store.dataSourceDidComplete(key, { title: 'Stupendous! AB-solutely corking.' }); }); }) return YES; } })); var chained = parent.chain(), chainedRec, storeKey; SC.run(function() { chainedRec = chained.find(Rec, 1); storeKey = chainedRec.get('storeKey'); equals(chained.peekStatus(storeKey), SC.Record.BUSY_LOADING, "While retrieving, the record's status should be BUSY_LOADING"); }); // This immediate status update is sensitive to the data source's use of invokeNext to load the record. equals(chained.peekStatus(storeKey), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, "After retrieving, the record's status should be READY_CLEAN"); });