module Puppet::Pops::Binder::Config::Issues # (see Puppet::Pops::Issues#issue) def self.issue (issue_code, *args, &block) Puppet::Pops::Issues.issue(issue_code, *args, &block) end CONFIG_FILE_NOT_FOUND = issue :CONFIG_FILE_NOT_FOUND do "The binder configuration file: #{semantic} can not be found." end CONFIG_FILE_SYNTAX_ERROR = issue :CONFIG_FILE_SYNTAX_ERROR, :detail do "Syntax error in configuration file: #{detail}" end CONFIG_IS_NOT_HASH = issue :CONFIG_IS_NOT_HASH do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' has no hash at the top level" end CONFIG_LAYERS_MISSING = issue :CONFIG_LAYERS_MISSING do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' has no 'layers' entry in the top level hash" end CONFIG_CATEGORIES_MISSING = issue :CONFIG_CATEGORIES_MISSING do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' has no 'categories' entry in the top level hash" end CONFIG_VERSION_MISSING = issue :CONFIG_VERSION_MISSING do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' has no 'version' entry in the top level hash" end LAYERS_IS_NOT_ARRAY = issue :LAYERS_IS_NOT_ARRAY, :klass do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' should contain a 'layers' key with an Array value, got: #{}" end LAYER_IS_NOT_HASH = issue :LAYER_IS_NOT_HASH, :klass do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' should contain one hash per layer, got #{} instead of Hash" end DUPLICATE_LAYER_NAME = issue :DUPLICATE_LAYER_NAME, :name do "Duplicate layer '#{name}' in configuration file #{semantic}" end UNKNOWN_LAYER_ATTRIBUTE = issue :UNKNOWN_LAYER_ATTRIBUTE, :name do "Unknown layer attribute '#{name}' in configuration file #{semantic}" end BINDINGS_REF_NOT_STRING_OR_ARRAY = issue :BINDINGS_REF_NOT_STRING_OR_ARRAY, :kind do "Configuration file #{semantic} has bindings reference in '#{kind}' that is neither a String nor an Array." end MISSING_SCHEME = issue :MISSING_SCHEME, :uri do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a bindings reference: '#{uri}' without scheme." end UNKNOWN_REF_SCHEME = issue :UNKNOWN_REF_SCHEME, :uri, :kind do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a bindings reference: '#{kind}' => '#{uri}' with unknown scheme" end REF_WITHOUT_PATH = issue :REF_WITHOUT_PATH, :uri, :kind do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a bindings reference: '#{kind}' => '#{uri}' without path" end BINDINGS_REF_INVALID_URI = issue :BINDINGS_REF_INVALID_URI, :msg do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a bindings reference: '#{kind}' => invalid uri, msg: '#{msg}'" end LAYER_ATTRIBUTE_IS_SYMBOL = issue :LAYER_ATTRIBUTE_IS_SYMBOL, :name do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a layer attribute '#{name}' that is a Symbol (should be String)" end LAYER_NAME_NOT_STRING = issue :LAYER_NAME_NOT_STRING, :class_name do "Configuration file #{semantic} contains a layer name that is not a String, got a: '#{class_name}'" end CONFIG_WRONG_VERSION = issue :CONFIG_WRONG_VERSION, :expected, :actual do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' has unsupported 'version', expected: #{expected}, but got: #{actual}." end EXTENSIONS_NOT_HASH = issue :EXTENSIONS_NOT_HASH, :actual do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' contains 'extensions', expected: Hash, but got: #{actual}." end EXTENSION_BINDING_NOT_HASH = issue :EXTENSION_BINDING_NOT_HASH, :extension, :actual do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' contains '#{extension}', expected: Hash, but got: #{actual}." end UNKNOWN_EXTENSION = issue :UNKNOWN_EXTENSION, :extension do "The configuration file '#{semantic}' contains the unknown extension: #{extension}." end end