# (see Ruby::AttributeHandler) class YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler < YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base handles /\Aattr(?:_(?:reader|writer|accessor))?(?:\s|\()/ process do begin attr_type = statement.tokens.first.text.to_sym symbols = tokval_list statement.tokens[2..-1], :attr, TkTRUE, TkFALSE read, write = true, false rescue SyntaxError raise YARD::Parser::UndocumentableError, attr_type end # Change read/write based on attr_reader/writer/accessor case attr_type when :attr # In the case of 'attr', the second parameter (if given) isn't a symbol. write = symbols.pop if symbols.size == 2 when :attr_accessor write = true when :attr_reader # change nothing when :attr_writer read, write = false, true end # Add all attributes symbols.each do |name| namespace.attributes[scope][name] = SymbolHash[:read => nil, :write => nil] # Show their methods as well {:read => name, :write => "#{name}="}.each do |type, meth| if (type == :read ? read : write) namespace.attributes[scope][name][type] = MethodObject.new(namespace, meth, scope) do |o| if type == :write o.parameters = [['value', nil]] src = "def #{meth}(value)" full_src = "#{src}\n @#{name} = value\nend" doc = "Sets the attribute #{name}\n@param value the value to set the attribute #{name} to." else src = "def #{meth}" full_src = "#{src}\n @#{name}\nend" doc = "Returns the value of attribute #{name}" end o.source ||= full_src o.signature ||= src o.docstring = statement.comments.to_s.empty? ? doc : statement.comments o.visibility = visibility end # Register the objects explicitly register namespace.attributes[scope][name][type] elsif obj = namespace.children.find {|o| o.name == meth.to_sym && o.scope == scope } # register an existing method as attribute namespace.attributes[scope][name][type] = obj end end end end end