module Markaby # All the tags and attributes from XHTML 1.0 Strict class XHTMLStrict < XmlTagset @doctype = ["-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN", ""] @tagset = { html: AttrI18n + [:id, :xmlns], head: AttrI18n + [:id, :profile], title: AttrI18n + [:id], base: [:href, :id], meta: AttrI18n + [:id, :http, :name, :content, :scheme, :"http-equiv"], link: Attrs + [:charset, :href, :hreflang, :type, :rel, :rev, :media], style: AttrI18n + [:id, :type, :media, :title, :"xml:space"], script: [:id, :charset, :type, :src, :defer, :"xml:space"], noscript: Attrs, body: Attrs + [:onload, :onunload], div: Attrs, p: Attrs, ul: Attrs, ol: Attrs, li: Attrs, dl: Attrs, dt: Attrs, dd: Attrs, address: Attrs, hr: Attrs, pre: Attrs + [:"xml:space"], blockquote: Attrs + [:cite], ins: Attrs + [:cite, :datetime], del: Attrs + [:cite, :datetime], a: Attrs + AttrFocus + [:charset, :type, :name, :href, :hreflang, :rel, :rev, :shape, :coords], span: Attrs, bdo: AttrCore + AttrEvents + [:lang, :"xml:lang", :dir], br: AttrCore, em: Attrs, strong: Attrs, dfn: Attrs, code: Attrs, samp: Attrs, kbd: Attrs, var: Attrs, cite: Attrs, abbr: Attrs, acronym: Attrs, q: Attrs + [:cite], sub: Attrs, sup: Attrs, tt: Attrs, i: Attrs, b: Attrs, big: Attrs, small: Attrs, object: Attrs + [:declare, :classid, :codebase, :data, :type, :codetype, :archive, :standby, :height, :width, :usemap, :name, :tabindex], param: [:id, :name, :value, :valuetype, :type], img: Attrs + [:src, :alt, :longdesc, :height, :width, :usemap, :ismap], map: AttrI18n + AttrEvents + [:id, :class, :style, :title, :name], area: Attrs + AttrFocus + [:shape, :coords, :href, :nohref, :alt], form: Attrs + [:action, :method, :enctype, :onsubmit, :onreset, :accept, :accept], label: Attrs + [:for, :accesskey, :onfocus, :onblur], input: Attrs + AttrFocus + [:type, :name, :value, :checked, :disabled, :readonly, :size, :maxlength, :src, :alt, :usemap, :onselect, :onchange, :accept], select: Attrs + [:name, :size, :multiple, :disabled, :tabindex, :onfocus, :onblur, :onchange], optgroup: Attrs + [:disabled, :label], option: Attrs + [:selected, :disabled, :label, :value], textarea: Attrs + AttrFocus + [:name, :rows, :cols, :disabled, :readonly, :onselect, :onchange], fieldset: Attrs, legend: Attrs + [:accesskey], button: Attrs + AttrFocus + [:name, :value, :type, :disabled], table: Attrs + [:summary, :width, :border, :frame, :rules, :cellspacing, :cellpadding], caption: Attrs, colgroup: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:span, :width], col: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:span, :width], thead: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, tfoot: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, tbody: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, tr: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, th: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:abbr, :axis, :headers, :scope, :rowspan, :colspan], td: Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:abbr, :axis, :headers, :scope, :rowspan, :colspan], h1: Attrs, h2: Attrs, h3: Attrs, h4: Attrs, h5: Attrs, h6: Attrs } @tags = @tagset.keys @forms = @tags & FORM_TAGS @self_closing = @tags & SELF_CLOSING_TAGS end end