# Crypto Square Implement the classic method for composing secret messages called a square code. Given an English text, output the encoded version of that text. First, the input is normalized: the spaces and punctuation are removed from the English text and the message is downcased. Then, the normalized characters are broken into rows. These rows can be regarded as forming a rectangle when printed with intervening newlines. For example, the sentence > If man was meant to stay on the ground, god would have given us roots. is normalized to: > ifmanwasmeanttostayonthegroundgodwouldhavegivenusroots The plaintext should be organized in to a rectangle. The size of the rectangle (`r x c`) should be decided by the length of the message, such that `c >= r` and `c - r <= 1`, where `c` is the number of columns and `r` is the number of rows. Our normalized text is 54 characters long, dictating a rectangle with `c = 8` and `r = 7`: ```plain ifmanwas meanttos tayonthe groundgo dwouldha vegivenu sroots ``` The coded message is obtained by reading down the columns going left to right. The message above is coded as: ```plain imtgdvsfearwermayoogoanouuiontnnlvtwttddesaohghnsseoau ``` Output the encoded text in chunks. Phrases that fill perfect squares `(r X r)` should be output in `r`-length chunks separated by spaces. Imperfect squares will have `n` empty spaces. Those spaces should be distributed evenly across the last `n` rows. ```plain imtgdvs fearwer mayoogo anouuio ntnnlvt wttddes aohghn sseoau ``` Notice that were we to stack these, we could visually decode the cyphertext back in to the original message: ```plain imtgdvs fearwer mayoogo anouuio ntnnlvt wttddes aohghn sseoau ``` ## Getting Started Make sure you have read [the C++ page](http://exercism.io/languages/cpp) on exercism.io. This covers the basic information on setting up the development environment expected by the exercises. ## Passing the Tests Get the first test compiling, linking and passing by following the [three rules of test-driven development](http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.TheThreeRulesOfTdd). Create just enough structure by declaring namespaces, functions, classes, etc., to satisfy any compiler errors and get the test to fail. Then write just enough code to get the test to pass. Once you've done that, uncomment the next test by moving the following line past the next test. ```C++ #if defined(EXERCISM_RUN_ALL_TESTS) ``` This may result in compile errors as new constructs may be invoked that you haven't yet declared or defined. Again, fix the compile errors minimally to get a failing test, then change the code minimally to pass the test, refactor your implementation for readability and expressiveness and then go on to the next test. Try to use standard C++11 facilities in preference to writing your own low-level algorithms or facilities by hand. [CppReference](http://en.cppreference.com/) is a wiki reference to the C++ language and standard library. If you are new to C++, but have programmed in C, beware of [C traps and pitfalls](http://www.slideshare.net/LegalizeAdulthood/c-traps-and-pitfalls-for-c-programmers). ## Source J Dalbey's Programming Practice problems [http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~jdalbey/103/Projects/ProgrammingPractice.html](http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~jdalbey/103/Projects/ProgrammingPractice.html) ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.