require 'active_support/inflector' # for the sake of pluralizing module Rabl module Helpers # data_object(data) => # data_object(@user => :person) => @user # data_object(:user => :person) => @_object.send(:user) def data_object(data) data = data.keys.first if data.is_a?(Hash) && data.keys.size == 1 data = @_object.__send__(data) if data.is_a?(Symbol) && defined?(@_object) && @_object && @_object.respond_to?(data) data end # data_object_attribute(data) => @_object.send(data) def data_object_attribute(data) attribute = @_object.__send__(data) attribute = attribute.as_json if is_collection?(attribute, false) && attribute.respond_to?(:as_json) attribute end # data_name(data) => "user" # data_name(@user => :person) => :person # data_name(@users) => :user # data_name([@user]) => "users" # data_name([]) => "array" def data_name(data_token) return unless data_token # nil or false return data_token.values.first if data_token.is_a?(Hash) # @user => :user data = data_object(data_token) if is_collection?(data) # data is a collection object_name = collection_root_name if collection_root_name object_name ||= data.table_name if data.respond_to?(:table_name) if object_name.nil? && data.respond_to?(:first) first = data.first object_name = data_name(first).to_s.pluralize if first.present? end object_name ||= data_token if data_token.is_a?(Symbol) object_name elsif is_object?(data) # data is an object object_name = object_root_name if object_root_name object_name ||= data if data.is_a?(Symbol) object_name ||= collection_root_name.to_s.singularize if collection_root_name object_name ||= data.class.respond_to?(:model_name) ? data.class.model_name.element : data.class.to_s.downcase object_name else data_token end end # Returns the object rootname based on if the root should be included # Can be called with data as a collection or object # determine_object_root(@user, :user, true) => "user" # determine_object_root(@user, :person) => "person" # determine_object_root([@user, @user]) => "user" def determine_object_root(data_token, data_name = nil, include_root = true) return if object_root_name == false root_name = data_name.to_s if include_root if is_object?(data_token) || data_token.nil? root_name elsif is_collection?(data_token) object_root_name || (root_name.singularize if root_name) end end # Returns true if obj is not a collection # is_object?(@user) => true # is_object?([]) => false # is_object?({}) => false def is_object?(obj, follow_symbols = true) obj && !is_collection?(obj, follow_symbols) end # Returns true if the obj is a collection of items # is_collection?(@user) => false # is_collection?([]) => true def is_collection?(obj, follow_symbols = true) data_obj = follow_symbols ? data_object(obj) : obj data_obj && data_obj.respond_to?(:map) && data_obj.respond_to?(:each) && !(data_obj.is_a?(Struct) || defined?(Hashie::Mash) && data_obj.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)) end # Returns the context_scope wrapping this engine, used for retrieving data, invoking methods, etc # In Rails, this is the controller and in Padrino this is the request context def context_scope defined?(@_context_scope) ? @_context_scope : nil end def view_path defined?(@_view_path) ? @_view_path : nil end # Returns the root (if any) name for an object within a collection # Sets the name of the object i.e "person" # => { "users" : [{ "person" : {} }] } def object_root_name defined?(@_object_root_name) ? @_object_root_name : nil end # Returns the root for the collection # Sets the name of the collection i.e "people" # => { "people" : [] } def collection_root_name defined?(@_collection_name) ? @_collection_name : nil end # Returns true if the value is a name value (symbol or string) def is_name_value?(val) val.is_a?(String) || val.is_a?(Symbol) end # Returns an Engine based representation of any data object given ejs template block # object_to_engine(@user) { attribute :full_name } => { ... } # object_to_engine(@user, :source => "...") { attribute :full_name } => { ... } # object_to_engine([@user], :source => "...") { attribute :full_name } => { ... } # options must have :source (rabl file contents) # options can have :source_location (source filename) def object_to_engine(object, options = {}, &block) return if object.nil? options.reverse_merge!({ :format => "hash".freeze, :view_path => view_path, :root => (options[:root] || false) })[:source], options).apply(context_scope, :object => object, :locals => options[:locals], &block) end # Fetches a key from the cache and stores rabl template result otherwise # fetch_from_cache('some_key') { ...rabl template result... } def fetch_result_from_cache(cache_key, cache_options = {}, &block) expanded_cache_key = ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(cache_key, :rabl) Rabl.configuration.cache_engine.fetch(expanded_cache_key, cache_options, &block) end def write_result_to_cache(cache_key, cache_options = {}, &block) expanded_cache_key = ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(cache_key, :rabl) result = yield Rabl.configuration.cache_engine.write(expanded_cache_key, result, cache_options) result end # Returns true if the cache has been enabled for the application def template_cache_configured? if defined?(Rails) defined?(ActionController::Base) && ActionController::Base.perform_caching else Rabl.configuration.perform_caching end end module Escaper def escape_output(response) case response when Hash response.each{|k,v| response[k] = escape_value(v) } when Array!{|v| escape_value(v) } else response end end def escape_value(value) case value when String ERB::Util.h(value) when Array, Hash escape_output(value) else value end end end end end