require 'vault-tools/log' module Vault # Base class for HTTP API services. class Web < Sinatra::Base # List of paths that are not protected thus overriding protected! set :unprotected_paths, [] # Work with request id out of the box def call(env) Thread.current[:request_id] = env['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'] || SecureRandom.uuid if defined? Excon decorate_excon! Excon.defaults[:headers]['X-Request-ID'] = Thread.current[:request_id] end env['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'] = Thread.current[:request_id] status, headers, response = super(env) headers['Request-ID'] = Thread.current[:request_id] [status, headers, response] end def decorate_excon! return unless defined? Excon begin return if Excon.request_id_decorated? rescue Excon.module_eval do def self.request_id_decorated? true end end Excon::Connection.class_eval do alias :stock_initialize :initialize def initialize(params={}) stock_initialize(params) if Excon.defaults[:headers].key? 'X-Request-ID' @data[:headers]['X-Request-ID'] ||= Excon.defaults[:headers]['X-Request-ID'] end end end end end class << self # Store the action for logging purposes. def route(verb, action, *) condition { @action = action } super end # Create :method:_unprotected methods for instances where default # protect! is used %w{get put post delete head options path link unlink}.each do |meth| define_method "#{meth}_unprotected".to_sym do |path, opts = {}, &block| pattern = compile!(meth.upcase, path, block, opts).first set :unprotected_paths, settings.unprotected_paths + [pattern] if meth.downcase == 'get' conditions = @conditions.dup route 'GET', path, opts, &block @conditions = conditions route 'HEAD', path, opts, &block else route meth.upcase, path, opts, &block end end end end # HTTP Basic Auth Support helpers do # Protects an http method. Returns 401 Not Authorized response # when authorized? returns false def protected!(*passwords) unless unprotected? || authorized?(passwords) response['WWW-Authenticate'] = %(Basic realm="Restricted Area") throw(:halt, [401, "Not authorized\n"]) end end # Check the list of unprotected_paths and see if any of them match def unprotected? settings.unprotected_paths.any? { |path| path.match(request.path) } end # Check request for HTTP Basic creds and # password matches settings.basic_password def authorized?(passwords) if passwords.empty? if settings.basic_password.is_a?(String) passwords << settings.basic_password else passwords = passwords + settings.basic_password end end passwords << settings.basic_password if passwords.empty? @auth ||= @auth.provided? && @auth.basic? && @auth.credentials && passwords.include?(@auth.credentials[1]) end end # Start timing the request. before do @start_request = end # Log details about the request including how long it took. after do Log.count_status(response.status) Log.time("http.#{@action}", ( - @start_request) * 1000) end # Make sure error handler blocks are invoked in tests. set :show_exceptions, false set :raise_errors, false # Require HTTPS connections when production mode is enabled. use Rack::SslEnforcer if (Config.enable_ssl? && Config.production?) # Return an *HTTP 500 Internal Server Error* with a traceback in the # body for easy debugging of errors. error do e = env['sinatra.error'] Rollbar.notify(e, rack_env: env) content = "#{e.class}: #{e.message}\n\n" content << e.backtrace.join("\n") [500, content] end # Determine if the service is running and responding to requests. # # @method status-check # @return The following responses may be returned by this method: # # - *HTTP 200 OK*: Returned if the request was successful. head_unprotected '/' do status(200) end # Determine if the service is running and responding to requests. # # @method health-check # @return The following responses may be returned by this method: # # - *HTTP 200 OK*: Returned if the request was successful with `OK` in # the body. get_unprotected '/health' do [200, 'OK'] end # Trigger an internal server error (to test monitoring and paging tools). # # @method boom # @return The following responses may be returned by this method: # # - *HTTP 500 Internal Server Error*: Returned with a traceback in the # body. get_unprotected '/boom' do raise "An expected error occurred." end end end