# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'helper' class TestFuzzyMatch < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_001_find d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ RATZ CATZ } assert_equal 'RATZ', d.find('RITZ') assert_equal 'RATZ', d.find('RíTZ') d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'X' ] assert_equal 'X', d.find('X') assert_equal nil, d.find('A') end def test_002_dont_gather_last_result_by_default d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ NISSAN HONDA } d.find('MISSAM') assert_raises(::RuntimeError, /gather_last_result/) do d.last_result end end def test_003_last_result d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ NISSAN HONDA } d.find 'MISSAM', :gather_last_result => true assert_equal 0.6, d.last_result.score assert_equal 'NISSAN', d.last_result.record end def test_004_false_positive_without_tightener d = FuzzyMatch.new ['BOEING 737-100/200', 'BOEING 737-900'] assert_equal 'BOEING 737-900', d.find('BOEING 737100 number 900') end def test_005_correct_with_tightener tighteners = [ %r{(7\d)(7|0)-?(\d{1,3})} # tighten 737-100/200 => 737100, which will cause it to win over 737-900 ] d = FuzzyMatch.new ['BOEING 737-100/200', 'BOEING 737-900'], :tighteners => tighteners assert_equal 'BOEING 737-100/200', d.find('BOEING 737100 number 900') end def test_008_false_positive_without_identity d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ foo bar } assert_equal 'bar', d.find('baz') end def test_008_identify_false_positive d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ foo bar }, :identities => [ /ba(.)/ ] assert_equal nil, d.find('baz') end # TODO this is not very helpful def test_009_blocking d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'X' ], :blockings => [ /X/, /Y/ ] assert_equal 'X', d.find('X') assert_equal nil, d.find('A') end # TODO this is not very helpful def test_0095_must_match_blocking d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'X' ], :blockings => [ /X/, /Y/ ], :must_match_blocking => true assert_equal 'X', d.find('X') assert_equal nil, d.find('A') d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'X' ], :blockings => [ /X/, /Y/ ] assert_equal 'X', d.find('X', :must_match_blocking => true) assert_equal nil, d.find('A', :must_match_blocking => true) end def test_011_free d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ NISSAN HONDA } d.free assert_raises(::RuntimeError, /free/) do d.find('foobar') end end def test_012_find_all d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'X', 'X22', 'Y', 'Y4' ], :blockings => [ /X/, /Y/ ], :must_match_blocking => true assert_equal ['X', 'X22' ], d.find_all('X') assert_equal [], d.find_all('A') end def test_013_first_blocking_decides d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], :blockings => [ /(boeing \d{3})/i, /boeing/i ] assert_equal [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], d.find_all('Boeing 747') d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], :blockings => [ /(boeing \d{3})/i, /boeing/i ], :first_blocking_decides => true assert_equal [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR' ], d.find_all('Boeing 747') # first_blocking_decides refers to the needle d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], :blockings => [ /(boeing \d{3})/i, /boeing/i ], :first_blocking_decides => true assert_equal [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], d.find_all('Boeing ER6') d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], :blockings => [ /(boeing \d{3})/i, /boeing (7|E)/i, /boeing/i ], :first_blocking_decides => true assert_equal [ 'Boeing ER6' ], d.find_all('Boeing ER6') # or equivalently with an identity d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'Boeing 747', 'Boeing 747SR', 'Boeing ER6' ], :blockings => [ /(boeing \d{3})/i, /boeing/i ], :first_blocking_decides => true, :identities => [ /boeing (7|E)/i ] assert_equal [ 'Boeing ER6' ], d.find_all('Boeing ER6') end MyStruct = Struct.new(:one, :two) def test_014_symbol_read_sends_method ab = MyStruct.new('a', 'b') ba = MyStruct.new('b', 'a') haystack = [ab, ba] by_first = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => :one by_last = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => :two assert_equal ab, by_first.find('a') assert_equal ab, by_last.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_first.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_last.find('a') end def test_015_symbol_read_reads_array ab = ['a', 'b'] ba = ['b', 'a'] haystack = [ab, ba] by_first = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => 0 by_last = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => 1 assert_equal ab, by_first.find('a') assert_equal ab, by_last.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_first.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_last.find('a') end def test_016_symbol_read_reads_hash ab = { :one => 'a', :two => 'b' } ba = { :one => 'b', :two => 'a' } haystack = [ab, ba] by_first = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => :one by_last = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :read => :two assert_equal ab, by_first.find('a') assert_equal ab, by_last.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_first.find('b') assert_equal ba, by_last.find('a') end def test_017_understands_haystack_reader_option ab = ['a', 'b'] ba = ['b', 'a'] haystack = [ab, ba] by_first = FuzzyMatch.new haystack, :haystack_reader => 0 assert_equal ab, by_first.find('a') assert_equal ba, by_first.find('b') end def test_018_no_result_if_best_score_is_zero assert_equal nil, FuzzyMatch.new(['a']).find('b') end def test_019_must_match_at_least_one_word d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ RATZ CATZ }, :must_match_at_least_one_word => true assert_equal nil, d.find('RITZ') end def test_020_stop_words d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'A HOTEL', 'B HTL' ] assert_equal 'B HTL', d.find('A HTL', :must_match_at_least_one_word => true) d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'A HOTEL', 'B HTL' ], :must_match_at_least_one_word => true assert_equal 'B HTL', d.find('A HTL') d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'A HOTEL', 'B HTL' ], :must_match_at_least_one_word => true, :stop_words => [ %r{HO?TE?L} ] assert_equal 'A HOTEL', d.find('A HTL') end def test_021_explain require 'stringio' capture = StringIO.new begin old_stderr = $stderr $stderr = capture d = FuzzyMatch.new %w{ RATZ CATZ } d.explain('RITZ') ensure $stderr = old_stderr end capture.rewind assert capture.read.include?('CATZ') capture.close end def test_022_compare_words_with_words d = FuzzyMatch.new [ 'PENINSULA HOTELS' ], :must_match_at_least_one_word => true assert_equal nil, d.find('DOLCE LA HULPE BXL FI') end end