$.extend wagn, initializeEditors: (range, map) -> map = wagn.editorInitFunctionMap unless map? $.each map, (selector, fn) -> $.each range.find(selector), -> fn.call $(this) prepUrl: (url, slot)-> xtra = {} main = $('#main').children('.card-slot').data 'cardName' xtra['main'] = main if main? if slot xtra['is_main'] = true if slot.isMain() slotdata = slot.data 'slot' wagn.slotParams slotdata, xtra, 'slot' if slotdata? url + ( (if url.match /\?/ then '&' else '?') + $.param(xtra) ) slotParams: (raw, processed, prefix)-> $.each raw, (key, value)-> cgiKey = prefix + '[' + snakeCase(key) + ']' if key == 'items' wagn.slotParams value, processed, cgiKey else processed[cgiKey] = value slotReady: (func)-> $('document').ready -> $('body').on 'slotReady', '.card-slot', (e) -> e.stopPropagation() func.call this, $(this) pingName: (name, success)-> $.getJSON wagn.rootPath + '/', { format: 'json', view: 'status', 'card[name]': name }, success jQuery.fn.extend { slot: -> if @data('slot-selector') target_slot = @closest(@data('slot-selector')) parent_slot = @closest '.card-slot' # if slot-selector doesn't apply to a child, search in all parent slots and finally in the body while target_slot.length == 0 and parent_slot.length > 0 target_slot = $(parent_slot).find(@data('slot-selector')) parent_slot = $(parent_slot).parent().closest '.card-slot' if target_slot.length == 0 $('body').find(@data('slot-selector')) else target_slot else @closest '.card-slot' setSlotContent: (val) -> s = @slot() v = $(val) unless v[0] # if slotdata = s.attr 'data-slot' # v.attr 'data-slot', slotdata if slotdata? # else #simple text (not html) v = val s.replaceWith v v.trigger 'slotReady' v slotSuccess: (data) -> if data.redirect window.location=data.redirect else notice = @attr('notify-success') newslot = @setSlotContent data if newslot.jquery # sometimes response is plaintext wagn.initializeEditors newslot if notice? newslot.notify notice slotError: (status, result) -> if status == 403 #permission denied @setSlotContent result else @notify result if status == 409 #edit conflict @slot().find('.current_revision_id').val @slot().find('.new-current-revision-id').text() else if status == 449 @slot().find('.recaptcha-box').loadCaptcha() notify: (message) -> slot = @slot() notice = slot.find '.card-notice' unless notice[0] notice = $('
') form = slot.find('.card-form') if form[0] $(form[0]).append notice else slot.append notice notice.html message notice.show 'blind' report: (message) -> report = @slot().find '.card-report' return false unless report[0] report.hide() report.html message report.show 'drop', 750 setTimeout (->report.hide 'drop', 750), 3000 isMain: -> @slot().parent('#main')[0] loadCaptcha: -> Recaptcha.create wagn.recaptchaKey, this[0] autosave: -> slot = @slot() return if @attr 'no-autosave' multi = @closest '.form-group' if multi[0] return unless id = multi.data 'cardId' reportee = ': ' + multi.data 'cardName' else id = slot.data 'cardId' reportee = '' # #might be better to put this href base in the html submit_url = wagn.rootPath + '/update/~' + id form_data = $('#edit_card_'+id).serializeArray().reduce( ((obj, item) -> obj[item.name] = item.value return obj ), { 'draft' : 'true', 'success[view]' : 'blank'}); $.ajax submit_url, { data : form_data, type : 'POST' } ##{ 'card[content]' : @val() }, setContentFieldsFromMap: (map) -> map = wagn.editorContentFunctionMap unless map? this_form = $(this) $.each map, (selector, fn)-> this_form.setContentFields(selector, fn) setContentFields: (selector, fn) -> $.each @find(selector), -> $(this).setContentField(fn) setContentField: (fn)-> field = @closest('.card-editor').find('.card-content') init_val = field.val() # tinymce-jquery overrides val(); that's why we're not using it. new_val = fn.call this field.val new_val field.change() if init_val != new_val } #~~~~~ ( EVENTS ) setInterval (-> $('.card-form').setContentFieldsFromMap()), 20000 $(window).ready -> $.ajaxSetup cache: false setTimeout (-> wagn.initializeEditors $('body')), 10 # dislike the timeout, but without this forms with multiple TinyMCE editors were failing to load properly $('body').on 'ajax:success', '.slotter', (event, data, c, d) -> unless event.slotSuccessful slot_top_pos = $(this).slot().offset().top $(this).slotSuccess data # should scroll to top after clicking on new page if $(this).hasClass "card-paging-link" $("body").scrollTop slot_top_pos event.slotSuccessful = true $('body').on 'loaded.bs.modal', null, (event) -> unless event.slotSuccessful wagn.initializeEditors $(event.target) $(event.target).find(".card-slot").trigger("slotReady") event.slotSuccessful = true $('body').on 'ajax:error', '.slotter', (event, xhr) -> $(this).slotError xhr.status, xhr.responseText $('body').on 'click', 'button.slotter', (event)-> return false if !$.rails.allowAction $(this) $.rails.handleRemote $(this) $('body').on 'ajax:beforeSend', '.slotter', (event, xhr, opt)-> return if opt.skip_before_send unless opt.url.match /home_view/ #avoiding duplication. could be better test? opt.url = wagn.prepUrl opt.url, $(this).slot() if $(this).is('form') if wagn.recaptchaKey and $(this).attr('recaptcha')=='on' and !($(this).find('.recaptcha-box')[0]) newCaptcha(this) return false if data = $(this).data 'file-data' # NOTE - this entire solution is temporary. input = $(this).find '.file-upload' if input[1] $(this).notify "Wagn does not yet support multiple files in a single form." return false widget = input.data 'blueimpFileupload' #jQuery UI widget unless widget._isXHRUpload(widget.options) # browsers that can't do ajax uploads use iframe $(this).find('[name=success]').val('_self') # can't do normal redirects. # iframe response not passed back; all responses treated as success. boo opt.url += '&simulate_xhr=true' # iframe is not xhr request, so would otherwise get full response with layout iframeUploadFilter = (data)-> data.find('body').html() opt.dataFilter = iframeUploadFilter # gets rid of default html and body tags args = $.extend opt, (widget._getAJAXSettings data), url: opt.url # combines settings from wagn's slotter and jQuery UI's upload widget args.skip_before_send = true #avoid looping through this method again $.ajax( args ) false $('body').on 'submit', '.card-form', -> $(this).setContentFieldsFromMap() $(this).find('.card-content').attr('no-autosave','true') true $('body').on 'click', '.submitter', -> $(this).closest('form').submit() $('body').on 'click', '.renamer-updater', -> $(this).closest('form').find('#card_update_referencers').val 'true' $('body').on 'submit', '.edit_name-view .card-form', -> confirmer = $(this).find '.alert' if confirmer.is ':hidden' if $(this).find('#referers').val() > 0 $(this).find('.renamer-updater').show() confirmer.show 'blind' false $('body').on 'click', '.follow-updater', -> $(this).closest('form').find('#card_update_all_users').val 'true' $('body').on 'submit', '.edit-view.SELF-Xfollow_default .card-form', -> confirmer = $(this).find '.confirm_update_all-view' if confirmer.is ':hidden' $(this).find('.follow-updater').show() confirmer.show 'blind' false $('body').on 'click', 'button.redirecter', -> window.location = $(this).attr('href') unless wagn.noDoubleClick $('body').on 'dblclick', 'div', (event) -> t = $(this) return false if t.closest( '.nodblclick' )[0] # fail if inside a div with "nodblclick" class return false if t.closest( '.card-header' )[0] # fail if inside a card header s = t.slot() return false if s.find( '.card-editor' )[0] # fail if there is an editor open in your slot return false unless s.data('cardId') # fail if slot has not card id s.addClass 'slotter' s.attr 'href', wagn.rootPath + '/card/edit/~' + s.data('cardId') $.rails.handleRemote(s) false # don't propagate up to next slot # $('body').on 'dblclick', '.nodblclick', -> false $('body').on 'submit', 'form.slotter', (event)-> if (target = $(this).attr 'main-success') and $(this).isMain() input = $(this).find '[name=success]' if input and !(input.val().match /^REDIRECT/) input.val ( if target == 'REDIRECT' then target + ': ' + input.val() else target ) $('body').on 'change', '.live-type-field', -> $(this).data 'params', $(this).closest('form').serialize() $(this).data 'url', $(this).attr 'href' $('body').on 'change', '.edit-type-field', -> $(this).closest('form').submit() $('body').on 'change', '.autosave .card-content', -> content_field = $(this) setTimeout ( -> content_field.autosave() ), 500 $('body').on 'mouseenter', '[hover_content]', -> $(this).attr 'hover_restore', $(this).html() $(this).html $(this).attr( 'hover_content' ) $('body').on 'mouseleave', '[hover_content]', -> $(this).html $(this).attr( 'hover_restore' ) $('body').on 'keyup', '.name-editor input', -> box = $(this) name = box.val() wagn.pingName name, (data)-> return null if box.val() != name # avert race conditions status = data['status'] if status ed = box.parent() leg = box.closest('fieldset').find('legend') msg = leg.find '.name-messages' unless msg[0] msg = $('') leg.append msg ed.removeClass 'real-name virtual-name known-name' slot_id = box.slot().data 'cardId' # use id to avoid warning when renaming to name variant if status != 'unknown' and !(slot_id && parseInt(slot_id) == data['id']) ed.addClass status + '-name known-name' link = qualifier = if status == 'virtual' #wish coffee would let me use a ? b : c syntax here 'in virtual' else 'already in' msg.html '"' + name + '" ' + qualifier + ' use' else msg.html '' $('body').on 'click', '.render-error-link', (event) -> msg = $(this).closest('.render-error').find '.render-error-message' msg.show() # msg.dialog() event.preventDefault() # important: this prevents jquery-mobile from taking over everything # $( document ).on "mobileinit", -> # $.extend $.mobile , { # #autoInitializePage: false # #ajaxEnabled: false # } newCaptcha = (form)-> recapUri = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js' recapDiv = $('
') $(form).children().last().after recapDiv $.getScript recapUri, -> recapDiv.loadCaptcha() snakeCase = (str)-> str.replace /([a-z])([A-Z])/g, (match)-> match[0] + '_' + match[1].toLowerCase() warn = (stuff) -> console.log stuff if console?