require 'mini_magick' module AttachmentFu # :nodoc: module Processors module MiniMagickProcessor def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods base.alias_method_chain :process_attachment, :processing end module ClassMethods # Yields a block containing an MiniMagick Image for the given binary data. def with_image(file, &block) begin binary_data = file.is_a?(MiniMagick::Image) ? file : MiniMagick::Image.from_file(file) unless !Object.const_defined?(:MiniMagick) rescue # Log the failure to load the image. logger.debug("Exception working with image: #{$!}") binary_data = nil end binary_data if block && binary_data ensure !binary_data.nil? end end protected def process_attachment_with_processing return unless process_attachment_without_processing with_image do |img| resize_image_or_thumbnail! img self.width = img[:width] if respond_to?(:width) self.height = img[:height] if respond_to?(:height) callback_with_args :after_resize, img end if image? end # Performs the actual resizing operation for a thumbnail def resize_image(img, size) size = size.first if size.is_a?(Array) && size.length == 1 img.combine_options do |commands| commands.strip unless attachment_options[:keep_profile] # gif are not handled correct, this is a hack, but it seems to work. if img.output =~ / GIF / img.format("png") end if size.is_a?(Fixnum) || (size.is_a?(Array) && size.first.is_a?(Fixnum)) if size.is_a?(Fixnum) size = [size, size] commands.resize(size.join('x')) else commands.resize(size.join('x') + '!') end # extend to thumbnail size elsif size.is_a?(String) and size =~ /e$/ size = size.gsub(/e/, '') commands.resize(size.to_s + '>') commands.background('#ffffff') commands.gravity('center') commands.extent(size) # crop thumbnail, the smart way elsif size.is_a?(String) and size =~ /c$/ size = size.gsub(/c/, '') # calculate sizes and aspect ratio thumb_width, thumb_height = size.split("x") thumb_width = thumb_width.to_f thumb_height = thumb_height.to_f thumb_aspect = thumb_width.to_f / thumb_height.to_f image_width, image_height = img[:width].to_f, img[:height].to_f image_aspect = image_width / image_height # only crop if image is not smaller in both dimensions unless image_width < thumb_width and image_height < thumb_height command = calculate_offset(image_width,image_height,image_aspect,thumb_width,thumb_height,thumb_aspect) # crop image commands.extract(command) end # don not resize if image is not as height or width then thumbnail if image_width < thumb_width or image_height < thumb_height commands.background('#ffffff') commands.gravity('center') commands.extent(size) # resize image else commands.resize("#{size.to_s}") end # crop end else commands.resize(size.to_s) end end temp_paths.unshift img end def calculate_offset(image_width,image_height,image_aspect,thumb_width,thumb_height,thumb_aspect) # only crop if image is not smaller in both dimensions # special cases, image smaller in one dimension then thumbsize if image_width < thumb_width offset = (image_height / 2) - (thumb_height / 2) command = "#{image_width}x#{thumb_height}+0+#{offset}" elsif image_height < thumb_height offset = (image_width / 2) - (thumb_width / 2) command = "#{thumb_width}x#{image_height}+#{offset}+0" # normal thumbnail generation # calculate height and offset y, width is fixed elsif (image_aspect <= thumb_aspect or image_width < thumb_width) and image_height > thumb_height height = image_width / thumb_aspect offset = (image_height / 2) - (height / 2) command = "#{image_width}x#{height}+0+#{offset}" # calculate width and offset x, height is fixed else width = image_height * thumb_aspect offset = (image_width / 2) - (width / 2) command = "#{width}x#{image_height}+#{offset}+0" end # crop image command end end end end