Feature: Raising an error Use `and_raise` to make the test double raise an error when it receives the message. Any of the following forms are supported: * `and_raise(ExceptionClass)` * `and_raise("message")` * `and_raise(ExceptionClass, "message")` * `and_raise(instance_of_an_exception_class)` Scenario: Raising an error Given a file named "raises_an_error_spec.rb" with: """ruby RSpec.describe "Making it raise an error" do it "raises the provided exception" do dbl = double allow(dbl).to receive(:foo).and_raise("boom") dbl.foo end end """ When I run `rspec raises_an_error_spec.rb` Then it should fail with: """ 1) Making it raise an error raises the provided exception Failure/Error: dbl.foo RuntimeError: boom """