require 'spec_helper' module WebsocketRails class ConnectionAdapters::Test < ConnectionAdapters::Base def self.accepts?(env) true end end describe ConnectionAdapters do context ".register" do it "should store a reference to the adapter in the adapters array" do ConnectionAdapters.register( ConnectionAdapters::Test ) ConnectionAdapters.adapters.include?( ConnectionAdapters::Test ).should be_true end end context ".establish_connection" do it "should return the correct connection adapter instance" do adapter = ConnectionAdapters.establish_connection( mock_request, double('Dispatcher').as_null_object ) adapter.class.should == ConnectionAdapters::Test end end end module ConnectionAdapters describe Base do let(:dispatcher) { double('Dispatcher').as_null_object } let(:channel_manager) { double('ChannelManager').as_null_object } let(:event) { double('Event').as_null_object } before { Event.stub(:new_from_json).and_return(event) } subject { mock_request, dispatcher ) } context "new adapter" do it "should register itself in the adapters array when inherited" do adapter = ConnectionAdapters::Base ) ConnectionAdapters.adapters.include?( adapter ).should be_true end it "should create a new DataStore::Connection instance" do subject.data_store.should be_a DataStore::Connection end end describe "#on_open" do it "should dispatch an on_open event" do on_open_event = double('event').as_null_object subject.stub(:send) Event.should_receive(:new_on_open).and_return(on_open_event) dispatcher.should_receive(:dispatch).with(on_open_event) subject.on_open end end describe "#on_message" do it "should forward the data to the dispatcher" do dispatcher.should_receive(:dispatch).with(event) subject.on_message encoded_message end end describe "#on_close" do it "should dispatch an on_close event" do on_close_event = double('event') Event.should_receive(:new_on_close).and_return(on_close_event) dispatcher.should_receive(:dispatch).with(on_close_event) subject.on_close("data") end end describe "#on_error" do it "should dispatch an on_error event" do subject.stub(:on_close) on_error_event = double('event').as_null_object Event.should_receive(:new_on_error).and_return(on_error_event) dispatcher.should_receive(:dispatch).with(on_error_event) subject.on_error("data") end it "should fire the on_close event" do data = "test_data" subject.should_receive(:on_close).with(data) subject.on_error("test_data") end end describe "#send" do it "should raise a NotImplementedError exception" do expect { subject.send :message }.to raise_exception( NotImplementedError ) end end describe "#enqueue" do it "should add the event to the queue" do subject.enqueue 'event' subject.queue.queue.should == ['event'] end end describe "#trigger" do =begin it "should add the event to the queue" do pending subject.stub(:flush) subject.should_receive(:enqueue).with('event') subject.trigger 'event' end it "should flush the queue" do subject.should_receive(:flush) subject.trigger 'event' end =end end describe "#flush" do before do event = double('event') event.stub!(:serialize).and_return("['event']") 3.times { subject.enqueue event } end it "should serialize all events into one array" do serialized_array = "[['event'],['event'],['event']]" subject.should_receive(:send).with(serialized_array) subject.flush end end describe "#close_connection" do before do @connection_manager = double('connection_manager').as_null_object subject.stub_chain(:dispatcher, :connection_manager).and_return(@connection_manager) end it "calls delegates to the conection manager" do @connection_manager.should_receive(:close_connection).with(subject) subject.__send__(:close_connection) end it "deletes it's data_store" do subject.data_store.should_receive(:destroy!) subject.__send__(:close_connection) end end end end end