Feature: Use predefined slides when creating a new presentation
As a presentator
I want to create a new presentation using predefined slides
In order to use it
Scenario: No predefined slides
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation" --no-create-predefined-slides`
Then a file named "source/slides/00.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999981.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999982.html.erb" should not exist
Scenario: Custom start slide template
Given a user defined predefined slide named "00.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "00.html.erb" should exist with:
Scenario: Custom questions template
Given a user defined predefined slide named "999980.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999980.html.erb" should exist with:
Scenario: Custom contact template
Given a user defined predefined slide named "999981.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999981.html.erb" should exist with:
Scenario: Custom end slide template
Given a user defined predefined slide named "999982.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999982.html.erb" should exist with: