#import "EXPExpect.h" #import "NSObject+Expecta.h" #import "Expecta.h" #import "EXPUnsupportedObject.h" #import "EXPMatcher.h" #import "EXPBlockDefinedMatcher.h" #import <libkern/OSAtomic.h> @implementation EXPExpect @dynamic actual, to, toNot, notTo, will, willNot, after; @synthesize actualBlock=_actualBlock, testCase=_testCase, negative=_negative, asynchronous=_asynchronous, timeout=_timeout, lineNumber=_lineNumber, fileName=_fileName; - (id)initWithActualBlock:(id)actualBlock testCase:(id)testCase lineNumber:(int)lineNumber fileName:(const char *)fileName { self = [super init]; if(self) { self.actualBlock = actualBlock; self.testCase = testCase; self.negative = NO; self.asynchronous = NO; self.timeout = [Expecta asynchronousTestTimeout]; self.lineNumber = lineNumber; self.fileName = fileName; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { self.actualBlock = nil; [super dealloc]; } + (EXPExpect *)expectWithActualBlock:(id)actualBlock testCase:(id)testCase lineNumber:(int)lineNumber fileName:(const char *)fileName { return [[[EXPExpect alloc] initWithActualBlock:actualBlock testCase:(id)testCase lineNumber:lineNumber fileName:fileName] autorelease]; } #pragma mark - - (EXPExpect *)to { return self; } - (EXPExpect *)toNot { self.negative = !self.negative; return self; } - (EXPExpect *)notTo { return [self toNot]; } - (EXPExpect *)will { self.asynchronous = YES; return self; } - (EXPExpect *)willNot { return self.will.toNot; } - (EXPExpect *(^)(NSTimeInterval))after { EXPExpect * (^block)(NSTimeInterval) = [^EXPExpect *(NSTimeInterval timeout) { self.asynchronous = YES; self.timeout = timeout; return self; } copy]; return [block autorelease]; } #pragma mark - - (id)actual { if(self.actualBlock) { return self.actualBlock(); } return nil; } - (void)applyMatcher:(id<EXPMatcher>)matcher { id actual = [self actual]; [self applyMatcher:matcher to:&actual]; } - (void)applyMatcher:(id<EXPMatcher>)matcher to:(NSObject **)actual { if([*actual isKindOfClass:[EXPUnsupportedObject class]]) { EXPFail(self.testCase, self.lineNumber, self.fileName, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"expecting a %@ is not supported", ((EXPUnsupportedObject *)*actual).type]); } else { BOOL failed = NO; if([matcher respondsToSelector:@selector(meetsPrerequesiteFor:)] && ![matcher meetsPrerequesiteFor:*actual]) { failed = YES; } else { BOOL matchResult = NO; if(self.asynchronous) { NSTimeInterval timeOut = self.timeout; NSDate *expiryDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeOut]; while(1) { matchResult = [matcher matches:*actual]; failed = self.negative ? matchResult : !matchResult; if(!failed || ([(NSDate *)[NSDate date] compare:expiryDate] == NSOrderedDescending)) { break; } [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]]; OSMemoryBarrier(); *actual = self.actual; } } else { matchResult = [matcher matches:*actual]; } failed = self.negative ? matchResult : !matchResult; } if(failed) { NSString *message = nil; if(self.negative) { if ([matcher respondsToSelector:@selector(failureMessageForNotTo:)]) { message = [matcher failureMessageForNotTo:*actual]; } } else { if ([matcher respondsToSelector:@selector(failureMessageForTo:)]) { message = [matcher failureMessageForTo:*actual]; } } if (message == nil) { message = @"Match Failed."; } EXPFail(self.testCase, self.lineNumber, self.fileName, message); } } self.negative = NO; } #pragma mark - Dynamic predicate dispatch - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector { if ([self.actual respondsToSelector:aSelector]) { return [self.actual methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector]; } return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector]; } - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation { if ([self.actual respondsToSelector:anInvocation.selector]) { EXPDynamicPredicateMatcher *matcher = [[EXPDynamicPredicateMatcher alloc] initWithExpectation:self selector:anInvocation.selector]; [anInvocation setSelector:@selector(dispatch)]; [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:matcher]; [matcher release]; } else { [super forwardInvocation:anInvocation]; } } @end @implementation EXPDynamicPredicateMatcher - (id)initWithExpectation:(EXPExpect *)expectation selector:(SEL)selector { if ((self = [super init])) { _expectation = expectation; _selector = selector; } return self; } - (BOOL)matches:(id)actual { return (BOOL)[actual performSelector:_selector]; } - (NSString *)failureMessageForTo:(id)actual { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"expected %@ to be true", NSStringFromSelector(_selector)]; } - (NSString *)failureMessageForNotTo:(id)actual { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"expected %@ to be false", NSStringFromSelector(_selector)]; } - (void (^)(void))dispatch { __block id blockExpectation = _expectation; return [[^{ [blockExpectation applyMatcher:self]; } copy] autorelease]; } @end