
This is an example Shopify application that shows what you can do with the Shopify API.

This will send the API-Key and Secret to a shop, and make sure that you have the rights to access its private admin data.
After authenticating, you will be redirected to the finalize action of your LoginController, which stores the session, and then redirects you to your example dashboard.
Your HomeController will get your recent Orders and Articles through the Shopify <%= link_to 'REST', 'http://www.xfront.com/REST-Web-Services.html', :title => "Get more information about REST web services in general" %> API and list them with all of your Products. You can click on a link of one of your objects and will then be taken to the corresponding admin area of your shop.

Note: There are no examples for creating or editing objects, but you are also able to do that with the Shopify API!

1. Make sure you've entered a valid API-Key and Secret

2. Make sure your callback URL is correct

The URL should be <%= @callback_url %>, with the host portion of the URL pointing to whichever domain is currently hosting this application.
The callback URL of your app can be changed in the API screen of your Shopify admin interface.

3. <%= link_to 'Login', '/login' %> to your shop

This will send the API-Key and Secret to a shop, and make sure that you have the rights to access its private admin data.
After authenticating, you will be redirected to the finalize action of your LoginController, which stores the session, and then redirects you to your example dashboard.
Your HomeController will get your recent Orders and Articles through the Shopify <%= link_to 'REST', 'http://www.xfront.com/REST-Web-Services.html', :title => "Get more information about REST web services in general" %> API and list them with all of your Products. You can click on a link of one of your objects and will then be taken to the corresponding admin area of your shop.

Note: There are no examples for creating or editing objects, but you are also able to do that with the Shopify API!

4. Check out the source code of the home_controller and its index template

You can analyze those files to see how the ShopifyAPI is used and get a glimpse of what's possible.

5. Read additional documentation

Become an expert.

6. Publish your application

This feature is not implemented yet, but it in the future it will allow you to register your application, so that will be shown in a public directory with a description, so that more users will take notice of it.