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E E EcdEContextE*Move into a new context (object or scope).E Usage: cd [OPTIONS] [--help] Move into new context (object or scope). As in UNIX shells use `cd ..` to go back, `cd /` to return to Pry top-level and `cd -` to toggle between last two scopes. Complex syntax (e.g `cd ../@x/@y`) also supported. cd @x cd .. cd / cd -  EprocessE-EPryECommandE ClassCommandECdE ObjectPathEstackEstateE old_stackE old_stack=E arg_stringEstripE==Eempty?E_pry_E binding_stackEbinding_stack=EnewEresolveE!=EmatchEgroupE descriptionEbannerEcore#define_methodECommandsE add_commandam%;V/;Vk #@^|!8Si