Upload files to host. These means of uploading are current supported: ftp, sftp, scp and rsync.
user Username for host. host Host server's domain name. root Document root path on host. copy Directory of files to publish, or Files to publish using from and to. dryrun If true only pretend to upload. quiet Supress all output. verbose Provide extra details.
The copy parameter allows you to simply specify a file or directory which will be published to host‘s document root location.
If you need more control over which files to publish where, you can use the copy parameter instead. Provide an array of pattern strings in the form of "{from} {to}". If the desitination is the host‘s document root you do not need to specify the {to} part. For example:
copy = [ 'web/*', 'doc/api/* doc/api' ]
The first copies the files under your project‘s web directory to the host‘s document root. The second copies your projects doc/api files to the doc/api location on the host.
The internal template used for the outbound destination is ‘username@host:root/’.
- Thomas Sawyer
- Needs general improvements.
- Reduce shelling-out.
- Incorporate password into scp and ftp ?
- rsync needs —delete option
Copyright (c) 2006 Thomas Sawyer
Ruby License This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this software under the same terms as Ruby. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
- openssl
- shellwords
- tmpdir
- facets/openobject
- net/ftp
- net/sftp