# Sorry for the interface violations, but it looks as if there are
# no interfaces in rails at all.
module CellsHelper
# Executes #capture on the global ActionView and sets name as the
# instance variable name.
# Example:
# <% global_capture :greeting do
Hi, Nick!
# <% end %>
# The captured markup can be accessed in your global action view or in your layout.
# <%= @greeting %>
def global_capture(name, &block)
global_view = controller.instance_variable_get( "@template" )
content = capture &block
global_view.send("instance_variable_set", "@#{name}", content)
# Executes #content_for on the global ActionView.
# Example:
# <% global_content_for :greetings do
Hi, Michal!
# <% end %>
# As in global_capture, the markup can be accessed in your global action view or in your layout.
# <%= yield :greetings %>
def global_content_for(name, content = nil, &block)
# OMG.
global_view = controller.instance_variable_get( "@template" )
ivar = "@content_for_#{name}"
content = capture(&block) if block_given?
old_content = global_view.send("instance_variable_get", ivar)
global_view.send("instance_variable_set", ivar, "#{old_content}#{content}")