# frozen_string_literal: true require "graphql/query/context" require "graphql/query/fingerprint" require "graphql/query/null_context" require "graphql/query/result" require "graphql/query/variables" require "graphql/query/input_validation_result" require "graphql/query/variable_validation_error" require "graphql/query/validation_pipeline" module GraphQL # A combination of query string and {Schema} instance which can be reduced to a {#result}. class Query include Tracing::Traceable extend Forwardable class OperationNameMissingError < GraphQL::ExecutionError def initialize(name) msg = if name.nil? %|An operation name is required| else %|No operation named "#{name}"| end super(msg) end end attr_reader :schema, :context, :provided_variables # The value for root types attr_accessor :root_value # @return [nil, String] The operation name provided by client or the one inferred from the document. Used to determine which operation to run. attr_accessor :operation_name # @return [Boolean] if false, static validation is skipped (execution behavior for invalid queries is undefined) attr_reader :validate # @param new_validate [Boolean] if false, static validation is skipped. This can't be reasssigned after validation. def validate=(new_validate) if defined?(@validation_pipeline) && @validation_pipeline && @validation_pipeline.has_validated? raise ArgumentError, "Can't reassign Query#validate= after validation has run, remove this assignment." else @validate = new_validate end end # @return [GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator] if present, the query will validate with these rules. attr_reader :static_validator # @param new_validate [GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator] if present, the query will validate with these rules. This can't be reasssigned after validation. def static_validator=(new_validator) if defined?(@validation_pipeline) && @validation_pipeline && @validation_pipeline.has_validated? raise ArgumentError, "Can't reassign Query#static_validator= after validation has run, remove this assignment." elsif !new_validator.is_a?(GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator) raise ArgumentError, "Expected a `GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator` instance." else @static_validator = new_validator end end attr_writer :query_string # @return [GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Document] def document # It's ok if this hasn't been assigned yet if @query_string || @document with_prepared_ast { @document } else nil end end def inspect "query ..." end # @return [String, nil] The name of the operation to run (may be inferred) def selected_operation_name return nil unless selected_operation selected_operation.name end # @return [String, nil] the triggered event, if this query is a subscription update attr_reader :subscription_topic attr_reader :tracers # Prepare query `query_string` on `schema` # @param schema [GraphQL::Schema] # @param query_string [String] # @param context [#[]] an arbitrary hash of values which you can access in {GraphQL::Field#resolve} # @param variables [Hash] values for `$variables` in the query # @param operation_name [String] if the query string contains many operations, this is the one which should be executed # @param root_value [Object] the object used to resolve fields on the root type # @param max_depth [Numeric] the maximum number of nested selections allowed for this query (falls back to schema-level value) # @param max_complexity [Numeric] the maximum field complexity for this query (falls back to schema-level value) # @param except [<#call(schema_member, context)>] If provided, objects will be hidden from the schema when `.call(schema_member, context)` returns truthy # @param only [<#call(schema_member, context)>] If provided, objects will be hidden from the schema when `.call(schema_member, context)` returns false def initialize(schema, query_string = nil, query: nil, document: nil, context: nil, variables: nil, validate: true, static_validator: nil, subscription_topic: nil, operation_name: nil, root_value: nil, max_depth: schema.max_depth, max_complexity: schema.max_complexity, except: nil, only: nil, warden: nil) # Even if `variables: nil` is passed, use an empty hash for simpler logic variables ||= {} @schema = schema if only || except merge_filters(except: except, only: only) end @context = schema.context_class.new(query: self, object: root_value, values: context) @warden = warden @subscription_topic = subscription_topic @root_value = root_value @fragments = nil @operations = nil @validate = validate self.static_validator = static_validator if static_validator context_tracers = (context ? context.fetch(:tracers, []) : []) @tracers = schema.tracers + context_tracers # Support `ctx[:backtrace] = true` for wrapping backtraces if context && context[:backtrace] && !@tracers.include?(GraphQL::Backtrace::Tracer) if schema.trace_class <= GraphQL::Tracing::CallLegacyTracers context_tracers += [GraphQL::Backtrace::Tracer] @tracers << GraphQL::Backtrace::Tracer elsif !(current_trace.class <= GraphQL::Backtrace::Trace) raise "Invariant: `backtrace: true` should have provided a trace class with Backtrace mixed in, but it didnt. (Found: #{current_trace.class.ancestors}). This is a bug in GraphQL-Ruby, please report it on GitHub." end end if context_tracers.any? && !(schema.trace_class <= GraphQL::Tracing::CallLegacyTracers) raise ArgumentError, "context[:tracers] are not supported without `trace_with(GraphQL::Tracing::CallLegacyTracers)` in the schema configuration, please add it." end @analysis_errors = [] if variables.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Query variables should be a Hash, not a String. Try JSON.parse to prepare variables." else @provided_variables = variables || {} end @query_string = query_string || query @document = document if @query_string && @document raise ArgumentError, "Query should only be provided a query string or a document, not both." end if @query_string && !@query_string.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Query string argument should be a String, got #{@query_string.class.name} instead." end # A two-layer cache of type resolution: # { abstract_type => { value => resolved_type } } @resolved_types_cache = Hash.new do |h1, k1| h1[k1] = Hash.new do |h2, k2| h2[k2] = @schema.resolve_type(k1, k2, @context) end end # Trying to execute a document # with no operations returns an empty hash @ast_variables = [] @mutation = false @operation_name = operation_name @prepared_ast = false @validation_pipeline = nil @max_depth = max_depth @max_complexity = max_complexity @result_values = nil @executed = false end # If a document was provided to `GraphQL::Schema#execute` instead of the raw query string, we will need to get it from the document def query_string @query_string ||= (document ? document.to_query_string : nil) end def interpreter? true end attr_accessor :multiplex # @return [GraphQL::Tracing::Trace] def current_trace @current_trace ||= context[:trace] || (multiplex ? multiplex.current_trace : schema.new_trace(multiplex: multiplex, query: self)) end def subscription_update? @subscription_topic && subscription? end # A lookahead for the root selections of this query # @return [GraphQL::Execution::Lookahead] def lookahead @lookahead ||= begin ast_node = selected_operation root_type = warden.root_type_for_operation(ast_node.operation_type || "query") GraphQL::Execution::Lookahead.new(query: self, root_type: root_type, ast_nodes: [ast_node]) end end # @api private def result_values=(result_hash) if @executed raise "Invariant: Can't reassign result" else @executed = true @result_values = result_hash end end # @api private attr_reader :result_values def fragments with_prepared_ast { @fragments } end def operations with_prepared_ast { @operations } end # Get the result for this query, executing it once # @return [Hash] A GraphQL response, with `"data"` and/or `"errors"` keys def result if !@executed Execution::Interpreter.run_all(@schema, [self], context: @context) end @result ||= Query::Result.new(query: self, values: @result_values) end def executed? @executed end def static_errors validation_errors + analysis_errors + context.errors end # This is the operation to run for this query. # If more than one operation is present, it must be named at runtime. # @return [GraphQL::Language::Nodes::OperationDefinition, nil] def selected_operation with_prepared_ast { @selected_operation } end # Determine the values for variables of this query, using default values # if a value isn't provided at runtime. # # If some variable is invalid, errors are added to {#validation_errors}. # # @return [GraphQL::Query::Variables] Variables to apply to this query def variables @variables ||= begin with_prepared_ast { GraphQL::Query::Variables.new( @context, @ast_variables, @provided_variables, ) } end end # Node-level cache for calculating arguments. Used during execution and query analysis. # @param ast_node [GraphQL::Language::Nodes::AbstractNode] # @param definition [GraphQL::Schema::Field] # @param parent_object [GraphQL::Schema::Object] # @return Hash{Symbol => Object} def arguments_for(ast_node, definition, parent_object: nil) arguments_cache.fetch(ast_node, definition, parent_object) end def arguments_cache @arguments_cache ||= Execution::Interpreter::ArgumentsCache.new(self) end # A version of the given query string, with: # - Variables inlined to the query # - Strings replaced with `` # @return [String, nil] Returns nil if the query is invalid. def sanitized_query_string(inline_variables: true) with_prepared_ast { schema.sanitized_printer.new(self, inline_variables: inline_variables).sanitized_query_string } end # This contains a few components: # # - The selected operation name (or `anonymous`) # - The fingerprint of the query string # - The number of given variables (for readability) # - The fingerprint of the given variables # # This fingerprint can be used to track runs of the same operation-variables combination over time. # # @see operation_fingerprint # @see variables_fingerprint # @return [String] An opaque hash identifying this operation-variables combination def fingerprint @fingerprint ||= "#{operation_fingerprint}/#{variables_fingerprint}" end # @return [String] An opaque hash for identifying this query's given query string and selected operation def operation_fingerprint @operation_fingerprint ||= "#{selected_operation_name || "anonymous"}/#{Fingerprint.generate(query_string)}" end # @return [String] An opaque hash for identifying this query's given a variable values (not including defaults) def variables_fingerprint @variables_fingerprint ||= "#{provided_variables.size}/#{Fingerprint.generate(provided_variables.to_json)}" end def validation_pipeline with_prepared_ast { @validation_pipeline } end def_delegators :validation_pipeline, :validation_errors, :analyzers, :ast_analyzers, :max_depth, :max_complexity attr_accessor :analysis_errors def valid? validation_pipeline.valid? && analysis_errors.empty? end def warden with_prepared_ast { @warden } end def_delegators :warden, :get_type, :get_field, :possible_types, :root_type_for_operation # @param abstract_type [GraphQL::UnionType, GraphQL::InterfaceType] # @param value [Object] Any runtime value # @return [GraphQL::ObjectType, nil] The runtime type of `value` from {Schema#resolve_type} # @see {#possible_types} to apply filtering from `only` / `except` def resolve_type(abstract_type, value = NOT_CONFIGURED) if value.is_a?(Symbol) && value == NOT_CONFIGURED # Old method signature value = abstract_type abstract_type = nil end if value.is_a?(GraphQL::Schema::Object) value = value.object end @resolved_types_cache[abstract_type][value] end def mutation? with_prepared_ast { @mutation } end def query? with_prepared_ast { @query } end # @return [void] def merge_filters(only: nil, except: nil) if @prepared_ast raise "Can't add filters after preparing the query" else @filter ||= @schema.default_filter @filter = @filter.merge(only: only, except: except) end nil end def subscription? with_prepared_ast { @subscription } end # @api private def handle_or_reraise(err) schema.handle_or_reraise(context, err) end def after_lazy(value, &block) if !defined?(@runtime_instance) @runtime_instance = context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime] end if @runtime_instance @runtime_instance.minimal_after_lazy(value, &block) else @schema.after_lazy(value, &block) end end private def find_operation(operations, operation_name) if operation_name.nil? && operations.length == 1 operations.values.first elsif !operations.key?(operation_name) nil else operations.fetch(operation_name) end end def prepare_ast @prepared_ast = true @warden ||= @schema.warden_class.new(@filter, schema: @schema, context: @context) parse_error = nil @document ||= begin if query_string GraphQL.parse(query_string, trace: self.current_trace) end rescue GraphQL::ParseError => err parse_error = err @schema.parse_error(err, @context) nil end @fragments = {} @operations = {} if @document @document.definitions.each do |part| case part when GraphQL::Language::Nodes::FragmentDefinition @fragments[part.name] = part when GraphQL::Language::Nodes::OperationDefinition @operations[part.name] = part end end elsif parse_error # This will be handled later else parse_error = GraphQL::ExecutionError.new("No query string was present") @context.add_error(parse_error) end # Trying to execute a document # with no operations returns an empty hash @ast_variables = [] @mutation = false @subscription = false operation_name_error = nil if @operations.any? @selected_operation = find_operation(@operations, @operation_name) if @selected_operation.nil? operation_name_error = GraphQL::Query::OperationNameMissingError.new(@operation_name) else if @operation_name.nil? @operation_name = @selected_operation.name end @ast_variables = @selected_operation.variables @mutation = @selected_operation.operation_type == "mutation" @query = @selected_operation.operation_type == "query" @subscription = @selected_operation.operation_type == "subscription" end end @validation_pipeline = GraphQL::Query::ValidationPipeline.new( query: self, parse_error: parse_error, operation_name_error: operation_name_error, max_depth: @max_depth, max_complexity: @max_complexity ) end # Since the query string is processed at the last possible moment, # any internal values which depend on it should be accessed within this wrapper. def with_prepared_ast if !@prepared_ast prepare_ast end yield end end end