RSpec.describe Houndstooth::Instructions do I = Houndstooth::Instructions it 'can be created from basic literals' do # Keywords expect(code_to_block(" true false nil self ").instructions).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: true), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: false), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: nil), m(I::SelfInstruction), ] # Literals expect(code_to_block(" 0 2.4 'Hello' :hello ").instructions).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 0), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2.4), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: "Hello"), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: :hello), ] # Interpolated string string_interp = code_to_block("\"2 is \#{2}...\"").instructions expect(string_interp).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: "2 is "), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2), m(I::ToStringInstruction, target: string_interp[1].result), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: "..."), m(I::SendInstruction, target: string_interp[0].result, method_name: :+, arguments: [m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: string_interp[2].result)], ), m(I::SendInstruction, target: string_interp[4].result, method_name: :+, arguments: [m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: string_interp[3].result)], ), ] # Interpolated symbol sym_interp = code_to_block(":\"2 is \#{2}...\"").instructions expect(sym_interp).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: "2 is "), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2), m(I::ToStringInstruction, target: sym_interp[1].result), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: "..."), m(I::SendInstruction, target: sym_interp[0].result, method_name: :+, arguments: [m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: sym_interp[2].result)], ), m(I::SendInstruction, target: sym_interp[4].result, method_name: :+, arguments: [m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: sym_interp[3].result)], ), m(I::SendInstruction, target: sym_interp[5].result, method_name: :to_sym, ) ] end it 'can be created from conditionals' do ins = code_to_block("if true; 2; end").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: true), m(I::ConditionalInstruction, condition: ins[0].result, true_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2), ]), false_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: nil), ]), ) ] # elsif always become an else with an if inside, so I'm not going to write a test for that ins = code_to_block("true ? 2 : 4").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: true), m(I::ConditionalInstruction, condition: ins[0].result, true_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2), ]), false_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 4), ]), ) ] end it 'can be created from method calls' do # Implicit `self` target ins = code_to_block("a").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::SelfInstruction), m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[0].result, method_name: :a, arguments: [], ), ] # Explicit target ins = code_to_block("-3.abs").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: -3), m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[0].result, method_name: :abs, arguments: [], ), ] # Arguments ins = code_to_block("combine(1, 2, 3, strategy: :add)").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ # Target m(I::SelfInstruction), # Arguments m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 1), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 2), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 3), m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: :add), # Send m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[0].result, method_name: :combine, arguments: [ m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: ins[1].result), m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: ins[2].result), m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: ins[3].result), m(I::KeywordArgument, name: 'strategy', variable: ins[4].result), ], ), ] # Safe navigation ins = code_to_block("a&.b").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ # Target m(I::SelfInstruction), m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[0].result, method_name: :a, ), # Safe navigation m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[1].result, method_name: :nil?, ), m(I::ConditionalInstruction, condition: ins[2].result, true_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: nil), ]), false_branch: m(I::InstructionBlock, instructions: [ # Send m(I::SendInstruction, target: ins[1].result, method_name: :b, ), ]), ) ] end it 'can be created for local variables' do ins = code_to_block("a = 3; puts a").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 3), m(I::AssignExistingInstruction, variable: ins[0].result, result: m(I::Variable, ruby_identifier: "a")), m(I::SelfInstruction), m(I::AssignExistingInstruction, variable: ins[1].result, result: ins[1].result), m(I::SendInstruction, method_name: :puts, arguments: [ m(I::PositionalArgument, variable: ins[1].result) ]), ] ins = code_to_block("x = 3; y = x").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::LiteralInstruction, value: 3), m(I::AssignExistingInstruction, variable: ins[0].result, result: m(I::Variable, ruby_identifier: "x")), m(I::AssignExistingInstruction, variable: ins[1].result, result: ins[1].result), m(I::AssignExistingInstruction, variable: ins[1].result, result: m(I::Variable, ruby_identifier: 'y'), ), ] end it 'can parse method type arguments' do ins = code_to_block(" #!arg String a.b ").instructions expect(ins).to match_array [ m(I::SelfInstruction), m(I::SendInstruction, method_name: :a, type_arguments: ['String']), m(I::SendInstruction, method_name: :b, type_arguments: []), ] end context 'can resolve types by traversing through instructions' do # TODO: When implemented, make these test cases use actual Ruby code with local variables it 'in simple sequential cases' do env = Houndstooth::Stdlib.add_types(env) # One instruction, which has a typechange block = nil, has_scope: false) block.instructions << block, node: nil, value: 3) block.instructions.last.type_change = env.resolve_type("Integer") expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions.last.result, block.instructions.last) ).to eq env.resolve_type("Integer") # Add a second assignment to the same variable, also with a typechange block.instructions << block, node: nil, value: "foo") block.instructions.last.result = block.instructions[0].result block.instructions.last.type_change = env.resolve_type("String") expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, block.instructions.last) ).to eq env.resolve_type("String") expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, block.instructions[0]) ).to eq env.resolve_type("Integer") # Assignment to a new variable block.instructions << block, node: nil, value: true) block.instructions.last.type_change = env.resolve_type("TrueClass") expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, block.instructions.last) ).to eq env.resolve_type("String") end it 'in conditionals' do env = Houndstooth::Stdlib.add_types(env) # Set the same variable to 3, then 'foo' block = code_to_block("3; if a; 'foo'; end; puts") block.instructions[3].true_branch.instructions[0].result = block.instructions[0].result # Set up typechanges block.instructions[0].type_change = env.resolve_type("Integer") block.instructions[3].true_branch.instructions[0].type_change = env.resolve_type("String") # Should be Integer at the start, String in true branch, and Integer in false branch expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, block.instructions[0]) ).to eq env.resolve_type("Integer") tb = block.instructions[3].true_branch expect( tb.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, tb.instructions[0]) ).to eq env.resolve_type("String") fb = block.instructions[3].false_branch expect( fb.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, fb.instructions[0]) ).to eq env.resolve_type("Integer") # After the conditional, should be String | Integer expect( block.variable_type_at(block.instructions[0].result, block.instructions[4]) ).to m(Houndstooth::Environment::UnionType, types: [ env.resolve_type("String"), env.resolve_type("Integer"), ]) end end end