# begin require 'rubygems'; rescue LoadError; end require 'parse_tree' require 'sexp_processor' class NilClass def method_missing(msg, *args, &block) nil end end class RubyToRuby < SexpProcessor VERSION = '1.1.0' def self.translate(klass_or_str, method=nil) self.new.process(ParseTree.translate(klass_or_str, method)) end def initialize super @indent = " " self.auto_shift_type = true self.strict = true self.expected = String end ############################################################ # Processors (rewriters at bottom) def process_alias(exp) "alias_method #{process(exp.shift)}, #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_and(exp) "(#{process exp.shift} and #{process exp.shift})" end def process_args(exp) args = [] until exp.empty? do arg = exp.shift case arg when Symbol then args << arg when Array then case arg.first when :block then asgns = {} arg[1..-1].each do |lasgn| asgns[lasgn[1]] = process(lasgn) end args.each_with_index do |name, index| args[index] = asgns[name] if asgns.has_key? name end when :block_arg then args << "&#{arg.last}" when :array then names = arg vals = exp.shift names.shift vals.shift v_size = vals.size args << process(names.shift) until names.size == v_size names.zip(vals) do |name, val| args << "#{process name} = #{process val}" end else raise "unknown arg type #{arg.first.inspect}" end else raise "unknown arg type #{arg.inspect}" end end return "(#{args.join ', '})" end def process_arglist(exp) # custom made node code = [] until exp.empty? do code << process(exp.shift) end code.join ', ' end def process_argscat(exp) args = [] ary = exp.shift ary.shift # :array until ary.empty? do args << process(ary.shift) end args << "*#{process(exp.shift)}" args.join ', ' end def process_argspush(exp) args = [] until exp.empty? do args << process(exp.shift) end "#{args.join ', '}" end def process_array(exp) "[#{process_arglist(exp)}]" end def process_attrasgn(exp) process_call(exp) end def process_back_ref(exp) "$#{exp.shift}" end def process_begin(exp) is_rescue = exp.first.first == :rescue rescue false code = [] code << "begin" until exp.empty? src = process(exp.shift) src = indent(src) unless src =~ /\nrescue/ # ensures no level 0 rescues code << src end code << "end" unless is_rescue return code.join("\n") end def process_block(exp) result = [] until exp.empty? do found = exp.first.first == :block_arg rescue false if found then raise "wtf" result[-1] = result[-1][0..-2] + ", #{process(exp.shift)})" else code = exp.shift if code.nil? or code.first == :nil then result << "# do nothing" else result << process(code) end end end return result.join("\n") + "\n" end def process_block_arg(exp) "&#{exp.shift}" end def process_block_pass(exp) bname = [:lvar, "&" + process(exp.shift)] call = exp.shift has_args = Array === call.last and call.last.first == :array call << [:array] unless has_args call.last << bname process(call) end def process_break(exp) val = process(exp.shift) "break" + (val ? " #{val}" : "") end def process_call(exp) receiver = process exp.shift name = exp.shift args_exp = exp.shift if args_exp && args_exp.first == :array args = "#{process(args_exp)[1..-2]}" else args = process args_exp end case name when :<=>, :==, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :-, :+, :*, :/, :%, :<<, :>> then # "(#{receiver} #{name} #{args})" when :[] then "#{receiver}[#{args}]" else unless receiver.nil? then "#{receiver}.#{name}#{args ? "(#{args})" : args}" else "#{name}#{args ? "(#{args})" : args}" end end end def process_case(exp) result = [] result << "case #{process exp.shift}" until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt and pt.first == :when result << "#{process(pt)}" else code = indent(process(pt)) code = indent("# do nothing") if code =~ /^\s*$/ result << "else\n#{code}" end end result << "end" result.join("\n") end def process_cdecl(exp) "#{exp.shift} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_class(exp) s = "class #{exp.shift}" superk = process(exp.shift) s << " < #{superk}" if superk s << "\n" body = "" body << "#{process exp.shift}\n\n" until exp.empty? s + indent(body) + "end" end def process_colon2(exp) "#{process(exp.shift)}::#{exp.shift}" end def process_colon3(exp) "::#{exp.shift}" end def process_const(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_cvar(exp) "#{exp.shift}" end def process_cvasgn(exp) "#{exp.shift} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_cvdecl(exp) "#{exp.shift} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_dasgn_curr(exp) s = exp.shift.to_s s += "=" + process(exp.shift) unless exp.empty? s end def process_dasgn(exp) "#{exp.shift.to_s} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_defined(exp) "defined? #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_defs(exp) process_defn(exp) end def process_defn(exp) t = exp[1].first t2 = exp[2].first rescue nil if t == :args and [:ivar, :attrset].include? t2 then name = exp.shift case t2 when :ivar then exp.clear return "attr_reader #{name.inspect}" when :attrset then exp.clear return "attr_writer :#{name.to_s[0..-2]}" else raise "Unknown defn type: #{exp.inspect}" end end case t when :cfunc then s = "# method '#{exp.shift}' defined in a C function" exp.shift return s when :scope, :args then name = exp.shift args = process(exp.shift) args = "" if args == "()" body = indent(process(exp.shift)) return "def #{name}#{args}\n#{body}\nend".gsub(/\n\s*\n+/, "\n") when :fcall then # skip the fcall (to define_method and such) and grab the body name = exp.shift exp.shift # :fcall to define_method body = process(exp.shift) p name, body raise "no" else raise "Unknown defn type: #{t} for #{exp.inspect}" end end def process_defx(exp) # custom node type - TODO why in r2r? name = exp.shift args = process(exp.shift) body = indent(process(exp.shift)) return "defx #{name}#{args}\n#{body}end".gsub(/\n\s*\n+/, "\n") end def process_dot2(exp) "(#{process exp.shift}..#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dot3(exp) "(#{process exp.shift}...#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dregx(exp) "/#{process_dstr(exp)[1..-2]}/" end def process_dregx_once(exp) process_dregx(exp) + "o" end def process_dstr(exp) s = exp.shift.dump[0..-2] until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt.first == :str s << process(pt)[1..-2] else s << '#{' + process(pt) + '}' end end s + '"' end def process_dsym(exp) s = ":" + exp.shift.dump[0..-2] until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt.first == :str s << process(pt)[1..-2] else s << '#{' + process(pt) + '}' end end s + '"' end def process_dvar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_dxstr(exp) "`#{process_dstr(exp)[1..-2]}`" end def process_ensure(exp) body = process exp.shift ens = process exp.shift return "#{body}\nensure\n#{indent ens}" end def process_false(exp) "false" end def process_fcall(exp) exp_orig = exp.deep_clone name = exp.shift.to_s args = exp.shift code = [] unless args.nil? then args[0] = :arglist if args.first == :array code << process(args) end return "#{name}(#{code.join(', ')})" end def process_flip2(exp) "#{process(exp.shift)}..#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_flip3(exp) "#{process(exp.shift)}...#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_for(exp) recv = process exp.shift iter = process exp.shift body = process exp.shift return "for #{iter} in #{recv}\n#{indent body}\nend\n" end def process_gasgn(exp) process_iasgn(exp) end def process_gvar(exp) return exp.shift.to_s end def process_hash(exp) result = [] until exp.empty? result << "#{process(exp.shift)} => #{process(exp.shift)}" end return "{ #{result.join(', ')} }" end def process_iasgn(exp) "#{exp.shift} = #{process exp.shift}" end def cond_indent_process(pt) (pt and pt.first == :block) ? process(pt) : indent(process(pt)) end def process_if(exp) cond = process exp.shift t = process exp.shift type = t ? "if" : "unless" s = ["#{type} #{cond} then"] s << indent(t) if t until exp.empty? code = exp.shift case code.first when nil # do nothing when :if then s << "els#{process(code).sub(/\nend\Z/, '')}" else s << "else\n#{cond_indent_process(code)}" end if t.nil? then s[-1] = s[-1][5..-1] # remove else\n t = true end end s << "end" s.join("\n") end def process_iter(exp) iter = process exp.shift args = process exp.shift body = process exp.shift b, e = if iter == "END" then [ "{", "}" ] else [ "do", "end" ] end iter.sub!(/\(\)$/, '') result = [] result << "#{iter} #{b}" result << " |#{args}|" if args if body then result << "\n" result << indent(body).chomp result << "\n" else result << ' ' end result << e result.join end def process_ivar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_lasgn(exp) s = "#{exp.shift}" s += " = #{process exp.shift}" unless exp.empty? s end def process_lit(exp) obj = exp.shift if obj.is_a? Range # to get around how parsed ranges turn into lits and lose parens "(" + obj.inspect + ")" else obj.inspect end end def process_lvar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_masgn(exp) lhs = exp.shift rhs = exp.shift assert_type lhs, :array lhs.shift lhs = lhs.map { |l| process(l) } unless rhs.nil? then # HACK - but seems to work (see to_ary test) assert_type rhs, :array rhs.shift rhs = rhs.map { |r| process(r) } return "#{lhs.join(", ")} = #{rhs.join(", ")}" else return lhs.join(", ") end end def process_match(exp) "#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_match2(exp) lhs = process(exp.shift) rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs} =~ #{rhs}" end def process_match3(exp) rhs = process(exp.shift) lhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs} =~ #{rhs}" end def process_module(exp) s = "module #{exp.shift}\n" body = "" body << "#{process exp.shift}\n\n" until exp.empty? s + indent(body) + "end" end def process_next(exp) "next" end def process_nil(exp) "nil" end def process_not(exp) "(not #{process exp.shift})" end def process_nth_ref(exp) "$#{exp.shift}" end def process_op_asgn1(exp) # [[:lvar, :b], [:array, [:lit, 1]], :"||", [:lit, 10]] lhs = process(exp.shift) index = process(exp.shift) msg = exp.shift rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs}#{index} #{msg}= #{rhs}" end def process_op_asgn2(exp) # [[:lvar, :c], :var=, :"||", [:lit, 20]] lhs = process(exp.shift) index = exp.shift.to_s[0..-2] msg = exp.shift rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs}.#{index} #{msg}= #{rhs}" end def process_op_asgn_or(exp) # a ||= 1 # [[:lvar, :a], [:lasgn, :a, [:lit, 1]]] exp.shift process(exp.shift).sub(/=/, '||=') end def process_op_asgn_and(exp) # a &&= 1 # [[:lvar, :a], [:lasgn, :a, [:lit, 1]]] exp.shift process(exp.shift).sub(/=/, '&&=') end def process_or(exp) "(#{process exp.shift} or #{process exp.shift})" end def process_postexe(exp) "END" end def process_redo(exp) "redo" end def process_resbody(exp) # TODO: rewrite this fucker code = [] until exp.nil? or exp.empty? list = exp.shift body = exp.shift var = if list.last.first == :lasgn then list.pop[1] else nil end list[0] = :arglist if list then code << "rescue #{process(list)}" else code << "rescue" end code.last << " => #{var}" if var if body then code << indent(process(body)) else code << indent("# do nothing") end exp = exp.shift exp.shift if exp end code.join("\n") end def process_rescue(exp) # TODO: proper formatting depends on knowing the context # # a = b rescue c => [lasgn a [rescue b c]] # begin; a = b; rescue c => [begin [rescue [lasgn a b] c]] body = process exp.shift resbody = process exp.shift els = process exp.shift code = [] code << indent(body) code << resbody if els then code << "else" code << indent(els) else code << "end\n" end code.join("\n") end def process_retry(exp) "retry" end def process_return(exp) return "return #{process exp.shift}" end def process_sclass(exp) "class << #{process(exp.shift)}\n#{indent(process(exp.shift))}\nend" end def process_scope(exp) return process(exp.shift) end def process_self(exp) "self" end def process_splat(exp) "*#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_str(exp) return exp.shift.dump end def process_super(exp) args = exp.shift args[0] = :arglist "super(#{process(args)})" end def process_svalue(exp) process(exp.shift) end def process_to_ary(exp) process(exp.shift) end def process_true(exp) "true" end def process_undef(exp) "undef #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_until(exp) cond_loop(exp, 'until') end def process_valias(exp) "alias #{exp.shift} #{exp.shift}" end def process_vcall(exp) return exp.shift.to_s end def process_when(exp) cond = process(exp.shift).to_s[1..-2] code = indent(process(exp.shift)) code = indent "# do nothing" if code =~ /\A\s*\Z/ "when #{cond} then\n#{code.chomp}" end def process_while(exp) cond_loop(exp, 'while') end def process_xstr(exp) "`#{process_str(exp)[1..-2]}`" end def process_yield(exp) args = exp.shift if args then args[0] = :arglist if args.first == :array args = process(args) end "yield" + (args ? "(#{args})" : "") end def process_zarray(exp) "[]" end def process_zsuper(exp) "super" end def cond_loop(exp, name) cond = process(exp.shift) body = indent(process(exp.shift)).chomp head_controlled = exp.empty? ? false : exp.shift code = [] if head_controlled then code << "#{name} #{cond} do" code << body code << "end" else code << "begin" code << body code << "end #{name} #{cond}" end code.join("\n") end ############################################################ # Rewriters ## # defn: [:defn, :name, [:args...], [:scope, [:block, ...]]] def rewrite_defs(exp) target = exp.delete_at 1 exp[1] = :"#{target}.#{exp[1]}" rewrite_defn(exp) end def rewrite_defn(exp) # REFACTOR this needs help now exp.shift # :defn name = exp.shift args = s(:args) body = Sexp.from_array exp.shift case body.first when :args then # already normalized args = body body = exp.shift assert_type args, :args assert_type body, :scope assert_type body[1], :block when :scope, :fbody then body = body[1] if body.first == :fbody args = body.last.delete_at 1 assert_type args, :args assert_type body, :scope assert_type body[1], :block if body[1][1].first == :block_arg then block_arg = body[1].delete_at 1 args << block_arg end when :bmethod then body.shift # :bmethod if body.first.first == :dasgn_curr then # WARN: there are some implications here of having an empty # :args below namely, "proc { || " does not allow extra args # passed in. dasgn = body.shift assert_type dasgn, :dasgn_curr dasgn.shift # type args.push(*dasgn) body.find_and_replace_all(:dvar, :lvar) end if body.first.first == :block then body = s(:scope, body.shift) else body = s(:scope, s(:block, body.shift)) # single statement end when :dmethod # BEFORE: [:defn, :dmethod_added, [:dmethod, :bmethod_maker, ...]] # AFTER: [:defn, :dmethod_added, ...] iter = body[2][1][2] # UGH! FIX iter.delete_at 1 # fcall define_method args = iter[1].find_and_replace_all(:dasgn_curr, :args) iter.delete_at 1 # args iter[0] = :block body = s(:scope, iter.find_and_replace_all(:dvar, :lvar)) when :ivar, :attrset then # do nothing else raise "Unknown :defn format: #{name.inspect} #{args.inspect} #{body.inspect}" end return s(:defn, name, args, body) end def rewrite_resbody(exp) result = [] code = result while exp.first == :resbody do code << exp.shift list = exp.shift body = exp.shift exp = exp.shift # either another resbody or nil # code may be nil, :lasgn, or :block case body.first when nil then # do nothing when :lasgn then # TODO: check that it is assigning $! list << body body = nil when :block then # TODO: check that it is assigning $! list << body.delete_at(1) if body[1].first == :lasgn else raise "unknown: #{code.inspect}" end code << list << body if exp then code = [] result << code end end result end ############################################################ # Utility Methods: def indent(s) s.to_s.map{|line| @indent + line}.join end end class Method def with_class_and_method_name if self.inspect =~ // then klass = eval $1 method = $2.intern raise "Couldn't determine class from #{self.inspect}" if klass.nil? return yield(klass, method) else raise "Can't parse signature: #{self.inspect}" end end def to_sexp with_class_and_method_name do |klass, method| ParseTree.new(false).parse_tree_for_method(klass, method) end end end class ProcStoreTmp @@n = 0 def self.name @@n += 1 return :"myproc#{@@n}" end end class UnboundMethod def to_ruby name = ProcStoreTmp.name ProcStoreTmp.send(:define_method, name, self) m = ProcStoreTmp.new.method(name) result = m.to_ruby.sub(/def #{name}\(([^\)]*)\)/, 'proc { |\1|').sub(/end\Z/, '}') return result end end class Proc def to_method name = ProcStoreTmp.name ProcStoreTmp.send(:define_method, name, self) ProcStoreTmp.new.method(name) end def to_sexp body = self.to_method.to_sexp[2][1..-1] [:proc, *body] end def to_ruby self.to_method.to_ruby.sub(/def #{name}\(([^\)]*)\)/, 'proc { |\1|').sub(/end\Z/, '}') end end