require "caboose/version" namespace :caboose do desc "Initializes the database for a caboose installation" task :db => :environment do drop_tables create_tables load_data end desc "Drops all caboose tables" task :drop_tables => :environment do drop_tables end desc "Creates all caboose tables" task :create_tables => :environment do create_tables end desc "Loads data into caboose tables" task :load_data => :environment do load_data end desc "Resets the admin password to 'caboose'" task :reset_admin_pass => :environment do reset_admin_pass end #============================================================================= def drop_tables puts "Dropping any existing caboose tables..." c = ActiveRecord::Base.connection c.drop_table :users if c.table_exists?('users') c.drop_table :roles if c.table_exists?('roles') c.drop_table :permissions if c.table_exists?('permissions') c.drop_table :roles_users if c.table_exists?('roles_users') c.drop_table :permissions_roles if c.table_exists?('permissions_roles') c.drop_table :assets if c.table_exists?('assets') c.drop_table :pages if c.table_exists?('pages') c.drop_table :page_permissions if c.table_exists?('page_permissions') c.drop_table :sessions if c.table_exists?('sessions') c.drop_table :settings if c.table_exists?('settings') end def create_tables puts "Creating required caboose tables..." c = ActiveRecord::Base.connection # User/Role/Permissions c.create_table :users do |t| t.string :first_name t.string :last_name t.string :username t.string :email t.string :password t.string :password_reset_id t.datetime :password_reset_sent t.string :token end c.create_table :roles do |t| t.integer :parent_id t.string :name t.string :description end c.create_table :permissions do |t| t.string :resource t.string :action end # Role membership c.create_table :roles_users do |t| t.references :role t.references :user end c.add_index :roles_users, :role_id c.add_index :roles_users, :user_id # Role permissions c.create_table :permissions_roles do |t| t.references :role t.references :permission end c.add_index :permissions_roles, :role_id c.add_index :permissions_roles, :permission_id # Pages and Assets c.create_table :assets do |t| t.references :page t.references :user t.datetime :date_uploaded t.string :name t.string :filename t.string :description t.string :extension end c.create_table :pages do |t| t.integer :parent_id t.string :title t.string :menu_title t.text :content t.string :slug t.string :alias t.string :uri t.string :redirect_url t.boolean :hide, :default => false t.integer :content_format, :default => Caboose::Page::CONTENT_FORMAT_HTML t.text :custom_css t.text :custom_js t.string :layout t.integer :sort_order, :default => 0 t.boolean :custom_sort_children, :default => false t.string :seo_title, :limit => 70 t.string :meta_description, :limit => 156 t.string :meta_robots, :default => 'index, follow' # Multi-select options: none, noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noodp, noarchive t.string :canonical_url t.string :fb_description, :limit => 156 t.string :gp_description, :limit => 156 end c.create_table :page_permissions do |t| t.references :role t.references :page t.string :action end c.create_table :sessions do |t| t.string :session_id, :null => false t.text :data t.timestamps end c.add_index :sessions, :session_id c.add_index :sessions, :updated_at c.change_column :sessions, :created_at, :datetime, :null => true c.change_column :sessions, :updated_at, :datetime, :null => true c.create_table :settings do |t| t.string :name t.text :value end end def load_data puts "Loading data into caboose tables..." admin_user = Caboose::User.create(first_name: 'Admin', last_name: 'User', username: 'admin', email: '') admin_user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Caboose::salt + 'caboose') admin_role = Caboose::Role.create(parent_id: -1, name: 'Admin') elo_role = Caboose::Role.create(parent_id: -1, name: 'Everyone Logged Out') eli_role = Caboose::Role.create(parent_id:, name: 'Everyone Logged In') elo_user = Caboose::User.create(first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', username: 'elo', email: '') admin_perm = Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'all', action: 'all') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'users' , action: 'view') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'users' , action: 'edit') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'users' , action: 'delete') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'users' , action: 'add') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'roles' , action: 'view') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'roles' , action: 'edit') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'roles' , action: 'delete') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'roles' , action: 'add') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'permissions' , action: 'view') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'permissions' , action: 'edit') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'permissions' , action: 'delete') Caboose::Permission.create(resource: 'permissions' , action: 'add') # Add the admin user to the admin role admin_user.roles.push(admin_role) # Add the elo to the elo role elo_user.roles.push(elo_role) # Add the all/all permission to the admin role admin_role.permissions.push(admin_perm) # Create the home page home_page = Caboose::Page.create(title: 'Home' , parent_id: -1, hide: 0, layout: 'home' , uri: '') admin_page = Caboose::Page.create(title: 'Admin' , parent_id:, hide: 0, layout: 'admin', alias: 'admin', slug: 'admin', uri: 'admin') login_page = Caboose::Page.create(title: 'Login' , parent_id:, hide: 0, layout: 'login', alias: 'login', slug: 'login', uri: 'login') Caboose::PagePermission.create(role_id:, page_id:, action: 'view') Caboose::PagePermission.create(role_id:, page_id:, action: 'view') # Create the required settings Caboose::Setting.create(name: 'version' , value: Caboose::VERSION) Caboose::Setting.create(name: 'site_name' , value: 'New Caboose Site') Caboose::Setting.create(name: 'site_url' , value: '') Caboose::Setting.create(name: 'admin_email' , value: '') end def reset_admin_pass admin_user = Caboose::User.where(username: 'admin').first admin_user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Caboose::salt + 'caboose') end end