require 'rexml/document' require 'rexml/xpath' require 'zip/zip' require 'tempfile' include REXML def package_name(app) require 'rexml/document' require 'rexml/xpath' manifest = manifest.root.attributes['package'] end def main_activity(app) manifest = main_activity = manifest.elements["//action[@name='android.intent.action.MAIN']/../.."].attributes['name'] #Handle situation where main activity is on the form '.class_name' if main_activity.start_with? "." main_activity = package_name(app) + main_activity elsif not main_activity.include? "." #This is undocumentet behaviour but Android seems to accept shorthand naming that does not start with '.' main_activity = "#{package_name(app)}.#{main_activity}" end main_activity end def manifest(app) out_path = manifest_path(app) manifest_file = File.join(out_path, 'AndroidManifest.xml') unless File.exist?(manifest_file) manifest_extractor = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'lib', 'apktool-cli-1.5.3-SNAPSHOT.jar') output = `java -jar "#{manifest_extractor}" d -s "#{app}" #{out_path} 2>&1` raise "Unable to extract manifest: #{output}" unless File.size?(manifest_file) # Tidy up a bit. It would be nice if apktool could just dump the manifest alone. FileUtils.rm_rf(%w{res assets classes.dex}.map {|f| File.join(out_path, f) }) end end def checksum(file_path) require 'digest/md5' Digest::MD5.file(file_path).hexdigest end def test_server_path(apk_file_path) "test_servers/#{checksum(apk_file_path)}_#{Calabash::Android::VERSION}.apk" end def manifest_path(apk_file_path) "test_servers/#{checksum(apk_file_path)}_#{Calabash::Android::VERSION}.res" end def build_test_server_if_needed(app_path) unless File.exist?(test_server_path(app_path)) if ARGV.include? "--no-build" puts "No test server found for this combination of app and calabash version. Exiting!" exit 1 else puts "No test server found for this combination of app and calabash version. Recreating test server." calabash_build(app_path) end end end def resign_apk(app_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir| log "Resign apk" unsigned_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'unsigned.apk') FileUtils.cp(app_path, unsigned_path) `java -jar "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib/unsign.jar" "#{unsigned_path}"` sign_apk(unsigned_path, app_path) end end def sign_apk(app_path, dest_path) keystore = read_keystore_info() if is_windows? jarsigner_path = "\"#{ENV["JAVA_HOME"]}/bin/jarsigner.exe\"" else jarsigner_path = "jarsigner" end cmd = "#{jarsigner_path} -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -signedjar #{dest_path} -storepass #{keystore["keystore_password"]} -keystore #{keystore["keystore_location"]} #{app_path} #{keystore["keystore_alias"]}" log cmd unless system(cmd) puts "jarsigner command: #{cmd}" raise "Could not sign app (#{app_path}" end end def tools_dir dirs = Dir["#{android_home_path}/build-tools/*/"] + Dir["#{android_home_path}/platform-tools/"] raise "Could not find tools directory in ANDROID_HOME" if dirs.empty? dirs.first end def android_home_path ENV["ANDROID_HOME"].gsub("\\", "/") end def read_keystore_info keystore = default_keystore if File.exist? ".calabash_settings" keystore = JSON.parse(".calabash_settings")) fail_if_key_missing(keystore, "keystore_location") fail_if_key_missing(keystore, "keystore_password") fail_if_key_missing(keystore, "keystore_alias") keystore["keystore_location"] = File.expand_path(keystore["keystore_location"]) end keystore["keystore_location"] = put_in_quotes(remove_quotes(keystore["keystore_location"])) keystore end def default_keystore { "keystore_location" => File.expand_path(File.join(ENV["HOME"], "/.android/debug.keystore")), "keystore_password" => "android", "keystore_alias" => "androiddebugkey", } end def fail_if_key_missing(map, key) raise "Found .calabash_settings but no #{key} defined." unless map[key] end def remove_quotes(s) s.gsub(/"/, "") end def put_in_quotes(s) %Q{"#{s}"} end def keytool_path if is_windows? "\"#{ENV["JAVA_HOME"]}/bin/keytool.exe\"" else "keytool" end end def fingerprint_from_keystore keystore_info = read_keystore_info cmd = "#{keytool_path} -v -list -alias #{keystore_info["keystore_alias"]} -keystore #{keystore_info["keystore_location"]} -storepass #{keystore_info["keystore_password"]}" log cmd fingerprints = `#{cmd}` md5_fingerprint = extract_md5_fingerprint(fingerprints) log "MD5 fingerprint for keystore (#{keystore_info["keystore_location"]}): #{md5_fingerprint}" md5_fingerprint end def fingerprint_from_apk(app_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir| Dir.chdir(tmp_dir) do FileUtils.cp(app_path, "app.apk") FileUtils.mkdir("META-INF") Zip::ZipFile.foreach("app.apk") do |z| z.extract if /^META-INF\/\w+.(RSA|rsa)/ =~ end rsa_files = Dir["#{tmp_dir}/META-INF/*"] raise "No RSA file found in META-INF. Cannot proceed." if rsa_files.empty? raise "More than one RSA file found in META-INF. Cannot proceed." if rsa_files.length > 1 cmd = "#{keytool_path} -v -printcert -file #{rsa_files.first}" log cmd fingerprints = `#{cmd}` md5_fingerprint = extract_md5_fingerprint(fingerprints) log "MD5 fingerprint for signing cert (#{app_path}): #{md5_fingerprint}" md5_fingerprint end end end def extract_md5_fingerprint(fingerprints) log fingerprints m = fingerprints.scan(/MD5.*((?:[a-fA-F\d]{2}:){15}[a-fA-F\d]{2})/).flatten raise "No MD5 fingerprint found:\n #{fingerprints}" if m.empty? m.first end def is_windows? require 'rbconfig' (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) end def log(message, error = false) $stdout.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} - #{message}" if (error or ARGV.include? "-v" or ARGV.include? "--verbose") end