# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' module Spree RSpec.describe Promotion::Actions::CreateItemAdjustments, type: :model do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, line_items_count: 1) } let(:promotion) { create(:promotion, :with_line_item_adjustment, adjustment_rate: adjustment_amount) } let(:adjustment_amount) { 10 } let(:action) { promotion.actions.first! } let(:line_item) { order.line_items.to_a.first } let(:payload) { { order: order, promotion: promotion } } before do allow(action).to receive(:promotion).and_return(promotion) promotion.promotion_actions = [action] end context "#perform" do # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/3966 context "when calculator computes 0" do let(:adjustment_amount) { 0 } it "does not create an adjustment when calculator returns 0" do action.perform(payload) expect(action.adjustments).to be_empty end end context "when calculator returns a non-zero value" do let(:adjustment_amount) { 10 } it "creates adjustment with item as adjustable" do action.perform(payload) expect(action.adjustments.count).to eq(1) expect(line_item.adjustments).to eq(action.adjustments) end it "creates adjustment with self as source" do action.perform(payload) expect(line_item.adjustments.first.source).to eq action end it "does not perform twice on the same item" do 2.times { action.perform(payload) } expect(action.adjustments.count).to eq(1) end context "with products rules" do let(:rule) { double Spree::Promotion::Rules::Product } before { allow(promotion).to receive(:eligible_rules) { [rule] } } context "when the rule is actionable" do before { allow(rule).to receive(:actionable?).and_return(true) } it "creates an adjustment" do expect { expect { action.perform(payload) }.to change { action.adjustments.count }.by(1) }.to change { line_item.adjustments.count }.by(1) expect(action.adjustments.last).to eq line_item.adjustments.last end end context "when the rule is not actionable" do before { allow(rule).to receive(:actionable?).and_return(false) } it "does not create an adjustment" do expect { expect { action.perform(payload) }.to_not change { action.adjustments.count } }.to_not change { line_item.adjustments.count } end end end context "when a promotion code is used" do let!(:promotion_code) { create(:promotion_code, promotion: promotion) } let(:payload) { { order: order, promotion: promotion, promotion_code: promotion_code } } it "should connect the adjustment to the promotion_code" do expect { action.perform(payload) }.to change { line_item.adjustments.count }.by(1) expect(line_item.adjustments.last.promotion_code).to eq promotion_code end end end end context "#compute_amount" do before { promotion.promotion_actions = [action] } context "when the adjustable is actionable" do it "calls compute on the calculator" do expect(action.calculator).to receive(:compute).with(line_item).and_call_original action.compute_amount(line_item) end context "calculator returns amount greater than item total" do before do action.calculator.preferred_amount = 300 allow(line_item).to receive_messages(amount: 100) end it "does not exceed it" do expect(action.compute_amount(line_item)).to eql(-100) end end end context "when the adjustable is not actionable" do before { allow(promotion).to receive(:line_item_actionable?) { false } } it 'returns 0' do expect(action.compute_amount(line_item)).to eql(0) end end end describe '#remove_from' do # this adjustment should not get removed let!(:other_adjustment) { create(:adjustment, adjustable: line_item, order: order, source: nil) } before do action.perform(payload) @action_adjustment = line_item.adjustments.where(source: action).first! end it 'removes the action adjustment' do expect(line_item.adjustments).to match_array([other_adjustment, @action_adjustment]) action.remove_from(order) expect(line_item.adjustments).to eq([other_adjustment]) end end shared_examples "destroying adjustments from incomplete orders" do let!(:action) { promotion.actions.first } let(:other_action) { other_promotion.actions.first } let(:promotion) { create(:promotion, :with_line_item_adjustment) } let(:other_promotion) { create(:promotion, :with_line_item_adjustment) } context 'with incomplete orders' do let(:order) { create(:order) } it 'destroys adjustments' do order.adjustments.create!(label: 'Check', amount: 0, order: order, source: action) expect { subject }.to change { Adjustment.count }.by(-1) end end context 'with complete orders' do let(:order) { create(:completed_order_with_totals) } it "does not change adjustments for completed orders" do order = create :order, completed_at: Time.current adjustment = action.adjustments.create!(label: "Check", amount: 0, order: order, adjustable: order) expect { expect { subject }.not_to change { adjustment.reload.source_id } }.not_to change { Spree::Adjustment.count } expect(adjustment.source).to eq(nil) expect(Spree::PromotionAction.with_deleted.find(adjustment.source_id)).to be_present end it "doesnt mess with unrelated adjustments" do order.adjustments.create!(label: "Check", amount: 0, order: order, source: action) expect { subject }.not_to change { other_action.adjustments.count } end end end describe "#discard" do subject { action.discard } it_should_behave_like "destroying adjustments from incomplete orders" end describe "#paranoia_destroy" do subject { Spree::Deprecation.silence { action.paranoia_destroy } } it_should_behave_like "destroying adjustments from incomplete orders" end end end