# Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. module Ramaze unless defined?(Action) # prevent problems for SourceReload members = %w[method params template controller path binding engine instance] # The Action holds information that is essential to render the action for a # request. class Action < Struct.new('Action', *members) end end require 'ramaze/action/render' class Action class << self # Instantiate with given Hash, takes both string/symbol keys. # Only keys that match members of the Action-Struct are used. def create(hash = {}) i = new members.each do |key| i.send("#{key}=", (hash[key] || hash[key.to_sym])) end i end # Thread.current[:action] returns the instance of Action you are currently in. def current Thread.current[:action] end end # nicer representation of the Action def to_s m, p, t = method.inspect, params.inspect, template.inspect %{#<Action method=#{m}, params=#{p} template=#{t}>} end # Set the method, will be converted to a string and set to nil if empty. def method=(meth) meth = meth.to_s self[:method] = (meth.empty? ? nil : meth) end # runs all parameters assigned through flatten and CGI::unescape def params=(*par) self[:params] = par.flatten.compact.map{|pa| CGI.unescape(pa.to_s)} end # Use this as key for caches. def relaxed_hash [controller, method, params, template, path].hash end # A Hash representation of Action def to_hash hash = {} members.each{|m| hash[m.to_sym] = send(m)} hash end # Determines based on controller.trait[:engine] and the template extensions # which engine has to be used. # Defaults to Template::Ezamar def engine return self[:engine] if self[:engine] default = controller.trait.fetch(:engine, Template::Ezamar) return default unless template engines = Template::ENGINES return default if engines.empty? ext = File.extname(template).gsub(/^\./, '') ext_engine = engines.find{|e| e.last.include?(ext)}.first self[:engine] = (ext_engine || default) end # Returns an instance of controller, will be cached on first access. def instance self[:instance] ||= controller.new end # Returns a binding of the instance, will be cached on first access. def binding self[:binding] ||= instance.instance_eval{ binding } end # Hook for AspectHelper def before_process end # Hook for AspectHelper def after_process end end # Shortcut to create new instances of Action via Action::fill def self.Action(hash = {}) Action.create(hash) end end