require 'nokogiri' # FIXME: Implement using different modules as in RDF::TriX module RDF::RDFXML ## # An RDF/XML parser in Ruby # # @author [Gregg Kellogg]( class Reader < RDF::Reader format Format CORE_SYNTAX_TERMS = %w(RDF ID about parseType resource nodeID datatype).map {|n| "{n}"} OLD_TERMS = %w(aboutEach aboutEachPrefix bagID).map {|n| "{n}"} NC_REGEXP = %{^ (?!\\\\u0301) # ́ is a non-spacing acute accent. # It is legal within an XML Name, but not as the first character. ( [a-zA-Z_] | \\\\u[0-9a-fA-F] ) ( [0-9a-zA-Z_\.-] | \\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) )* $}, Regexp::EXTENDED) # The Recursive Baggage class EvaluationContext # :nodoc: attr_reader :base attr :subject, true attr :uri_mappings, true attr :language, true attr :graph, true attr :li_counter, true def initialize(base, element, graph) # Initialize the evaluation context, [5.1] self.base = RDF::URI.intern(base) @uri_mappings = {} @language = nil @graph = graph @li_counter = 0 extract_from_element(element) if element end # Clone existing evaluation context adding information from element def clone(element, options = {}) new_ec =, nil, @graph) new_ec.uri_mappings = self.uri_mappings.clone new_ec.language = self.language new_ec.extract_from_element(element) if element options.each_pair {|k, v| new_ec.send("#{k}=", v)} new_ec end # Extract Evaluation Context from an element by looking at ancestors recurively def extract_from_ancestors(el) ancestors = el.ancestors while ancestors.length > 0 a = ancestors.pop next unless a.element? extract_from_element(a) end extract_from_element(el) end # Extract Evaluation Context from an element def extract_from_element(el) b = el.attribute_with_ns("base", RDF::XML.to_s) lang = el.attribute_with_ns("lang", RDF::XML.to_s) self.base = self.base.join(b) if b self.language = lang if lang self.uri_mappings.merge!(extract_mappings(el)) end # Extract the XMLNS mappings from an element def extract_mappings(element) mappings = {} # look for xmlns element.namespaces.each do |attr_name,attr_value| abbr, suffix = attr_name.to_s.split(":") if abbr == "xmlns" attr_value = self.base.to_s + attr_value if attr_value.match(/^\#/) mappings[suffix] = attr_value end end mappings end # Produce the next list entry for this context def li_next @li_counter += 1 predicate = RDF["_#{@li_counter}"] end # Set XML base. Ignore any fragment def base=(b) @base = RDF::URI.intern(b) @base.fragment = nil end def inspect v = %w(base subject language).map {|a| "#{a}='#{self.send(a).nil? ? 'nil' : self.send(a)}'"} v << "uri_mappings[#{uri_mappings.keys.length}]" v.join(",") end end ## # Initializes the RDF/XML reader instance. # # @param [IO, File, String] input # @option options [Array] :debug (nil) Array to place debug messages # @option options [Boolean] :strict (false) Raise Error if true, continue with lax parsing, otherwise # @option options [Boolean] :base_uri (nil) Base URI to use for relative URIs. # @return [reader] # @yield [reader] # @yieldparam [Reader] reader # @raise [Error]:: Raises RDF::ReaderError if _strict_ def initialize(input = $stdin, options = {}, &block) super do @debug = options[:debug] @strict = options[:strict] @base_uri = RDF::URI.intern(options[:base_uri]) @id_mapping = @doc = case input when Nokogiri::XML::Document then input else Nokogiri::XML.parse(input, @base_uri.to_s) end raise RDF::ReaderError, "Synax errors:\n#{@doc.errors}" if !@doc.errors.empty? && @strict raise RDF::ReaderError, "Empty document" if (@doc.nil? || @doc.root.nil?) && @strict if block_given? end end # No need to rewind, as parsing is done in initialize def rewind; end # Document closed when read in initialize def close; end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement in the input. # # @yield [statement] # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def each_statement(&block) # Block called from add_statement @callback = block root = @doc.root add_debug(root, "base_uri: #{@base_uri || 'nil'}") rdf_nodes = root.xpath("//rdf:RDF", "rdf" => RDF.to_uri.to_s) if rdf_nodes.length == 0 # If none found, root element may be processed as an RDF Node ec =, root, @graph) nodeElement(root, ec) else rdf_nodes.each do |node| # XXX Skip this element if it's contained within another rdf:RDF element # Extract base, lang and namespaces from parents to create proper evaluation context ec =, nil, @graph) ec.extract_from_ancestors(node) node.children.each {|el| next unless el.elem? new_ec = ec.clone(el) nodeElement(el, new_ec) } end end end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF triple in the input. # # @yield [subject, predicate, object] # @yieldparam [RDF::Resource] subject # @yieldparam [RDF::URI] predicate # @yieldparam [RDF::Value] object # @return [void] def each_triple(&block) each_statement do |statement|*statement.to_triple) end end private # Keep track of allocated BNodes def bnode(value = nil) @bnode_cache ||= {} @bnode_cache[value.to_s] ||= end # Figure out the document path, if it is a Nokogiri::XML::Element or Attribute def node_path(node) case node when Nokogiri::XML::Element, Nokogiri::XML::Attr then "#{node_path(node.parent)}/#{}" when String then node else "" end end # Add debug event to debug array, if specified # # @param [XML Node, any] node:: XML Node or string for showing context # @param [String] message:: def add_debug(node, message) puts "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if $DEBUG @debug << "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if @debug.is_a?(Array) end # add a statement, object can be literal or URI or bnode # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node, any] node:: XML Node or string for showing context # @param [URI, BNode] subject:: the subject of the statement # @param [URI] predicate:: the predicate of the statement # @param [URI, BNode, Literal] object:: the object of the statement # @return [Statement]:: Added statement # @raise [RDF::ReaderError]:: Checks parameter types and raises if they are incorrect if parsing mode is _strict_. def add_triple(node, subject, predicate, object) statement =, predicate, object) add_debug(node, "statement: #{statement}") end # XML nodeElement production # # @param [XML Element] el:: XMl Element to parse # @param [EvaluationContext] ec:: Evaluation context # @return [RDF::URI] subject:: The subject found for the node # @raise [RDF::ReaderError]:: Raises Exception if _strict_ def nodeElement(el, ec) # subject subject = ec.subject || parse_subject(el, ec) add_debug(el, "nodeElement, ec: #{ec.inspect}") add_debug(el, "nodeElement, el: #{el.uri}") add_debug(el, "nodeElement, subject: #{subject.nil? ? 'nil' : subject.to_s}") unless el.uri.to_s == RDF.Description.to_s add_triple(el, subject, RDF.type, el.uri) end # produce triples for attributes el.attribute_nodes.each do |attr| add_debug(el, "propertyAttr: #{attr.uri}='#{attr.value}'") if attr.uri.to_s == RDF.type.to_s # If there is an attribute a in propertyAttr with a.URI == rdf:type # then u:=uri(identifier:=resolve(a.string-value)) # and the following triple is added to the graph: u = ec.base.join(attr.value) add_triple(attr, subject, RDF.type, u) elsif is_propertyAttr?(attr) # Attributes not RDF.type predicate = attr.uri lit =, :language => ec.language) add_triple(attr, subject, predicate, lit) end end # Handle the propertyEltList children events in document order li_counter = 0 # this will increase for each li we iterate through el.children.each do |child| next unless child.elem? child_ec = ec.clone(child) predicate = child.uri add_debug(child, "propertyElt, predicate: #{predicate}") propertyElementURI_check(child) # Determine the content type of this property element text_nodes = {|e| e.text? && !e.blank?} element_nodes = {|c| c.element? } add_debug(child, "#{text_nodes.length} text nodes, #{element_nodes.length} element nodes") if element_nodes.length > 1 element_nodes.each do |node| add_debug(child, " node: #{node.to_s}") end end # List expansion predicate = ec.li_next if predicate == # Productions based on set of attributes # All remaining reserved XML Names (See Name in XML 1.0) are now removed from the set. # These are, all attribute information items in the set with property [prefix] beginning with xml # (case independent comparison) and all attribute information items with [prefix] property having # no value and which have [local name] beginning with xml (case independent comparison) are removed. # Note that the [base URI] accessor is computed by XML Base before any xml:base attribute information item # is deleted. attrs = {} id = datatype = parseType = resourceAttr = nodeID = nil child.attribute_nodes.each do |attr| if attr.namespace.to_s.empty? # The support for a limited set of non-namespaced names is REQUIRED and intended to allow # RDF/XML documents specified in [RDF-MS] to remain valid; # new documents SHOULD NOT use these unqualified attributes and applications # MAY choose to warn when the unqualified form is seen in a document. add_debug(el, "Unqualified attribute '#{attr}'") #attrs[attr.to_s] = attr.value unless attr.to_s.match?(/^xml/) elsif attr.namespace.href == RDF::XML.to_s # No production. Lang and base elements already extracted elsif attr.namespace.href == RDF.to_uri.to_s case when "ID" then id = attr.value when "datatype" then datatype = attr.value when "parseType" then parseType = attr.value when "resource" then resourceAttr = attr.value when "nodeID" then nodeID = attr.value else attrs[attr] = attr.value end else attrs[attr] = attr.value end end if nodeID && resourceAttr add_debug(el, "Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:resource.") raise"Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:resource.") if @strict end # Apply character transformations id = id_check(el, RDF::NTriples.escape(id), nil) if id resourceAttr = RDF::NTriples.escape(resourceAttr) if resourceAttr nodeID = nodeID_check(el, RDF::NTriples.escape(nodeID)) if nodeID add_debug(child, "attrs: #{attrs.inspect}") add_debug(child, "datatype: #{datatype}") if datatype add_debug(child, "parseType: #{parseType}") if parseType add_debug(child, "resource: #{resourceAttr}") if resourceAttr add_debug(child, "nodeID: #{nodeID}") if nodeID add_debug(child, "id: #{id}") if id if attrs.empty? && datatype.nil? && parseType.nil? && element_nodes.length == 1 # Production resourcePropertyElt new_ec = child_ec.clone(nil) new_node_element = element_nodes.first add_debug(child, "resourcePropertyElt: #{node_path(new_node_element)}") new_subject = nodeElement(new_node_element, new_ec) add_triple(child, subject, predicate, new_subject) elsif attrs.empty? && parseType.nil? && element_nodes.length == 0 && text_nodes.length > 0 # Production literalPropertyElt add_debug(child, "literalPropertyElt") literal_opts = {} if datatype literal_opts[:datatype] = RDF::URI.intern(datatype) else literal_opts[:language] = child_ec.language end literal =, literal_opts) add_triple(child, subject, predicate, literal) reify(id, child, subject, predicate, literal, ec) if id elsif parseType == "Resource" # Production parseTypeResourcePropertyElt add_debug(child, "parseTypeResourcePropertyElt") unless attrs.empty? warn = "Resource Property with extra attributes: '#{attrs.inspect}'" add_debug(child, warn) raise if @strict end # For element e with possibly empty element content c. n = add_triple(child, subject, predicate, n) # Reification reify(id, child, subject, predicate, n, child_ec) if id # If the element content c is not empty, then use event n to create a new sequence of events as follows: # # start-element(URI := rdf:Description, # subject := n, # attributes := set()) # c # end-element() add_debug(child, "compose new sequence with rdf:Description") node = child.clone pt_attr = node.attribute("parseType") node.namespace = pt_attr.namespace node.attributes.keys.each {|a| node.remove_attribute(a)} node.node_name = "Description" new_ec = child_ec.clone(nil, :subject => n) nodeElement(node, new_ec) elsif parseType == "Collection" # Production parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt add_debug(child, "parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt") unless attrs.empty? warn = "Resource Property with extra attributes: '#{attrs.inspect}'" add_debug(child, warn) raise if @strict end # For element event e with possibly empty nodeElementList l. Set s:=list(). # For each element event f in l, n := bnodeid(identifier := generated-blank-node-id()) and append n to s to give a sequence of events. s = { } n = s.first || RDF["nil"] add_triple(child, subject, predicate, n) reify(id, child, subject, predicate, n, child_ec) if id # Add first/rest entries for all list elements s.each_index do |i| n = s[i] o = s[i+1] f = element_nodes[i] new_ec = child_ec.clone(nil) object = nodeElement(f, new_ec) add_triple(child, n, RDF.first, object) add_triple(child, n,, o ? o : RDF.nil) end elsif parseType # Literal or Other # Production parseTypeResourcePropertyElt add_debug(child, parseType == "Literal" ? "parseTypeResourcePropertyElt" : "parseTypeOtherPropertyElt (#{parseType})") unless attrs.empty? warn = "Resource Property with extra attributes: '#{attrs.inspect}'" add_debug(child, warn) raise if @strict end if resourceAttr warn = "illegal rdf:resource" add_debug(child, warn) raise if @strict end object =, :datatype => RDF.XMLLiteral, :namespaces => child_ec.uri_mappings, :language => ec.language) add_triple(child, subject, predicate, object) elsif text_nodes.length == 0 && element_nodes.length == 0 # Production emptyPropertyElt add_debug(child, "emptyPropertyElt") if attrs.empty? && resourceAttr.nil? && nodeID.nil? literal ="", :language => ec.language) add_triple(child, subject, predicate, literal) # Reification reify(id, child, subject, predicate, literal, child_ec) if id else if resourceAttr resource = ec.base.join(resourceAttr) elsif nodeID resource = bnode(nodeID) else resource = end # produce triples for attributes attrs.each_pair do |attr, val| add_debug(el, "attr: #{}='#{val}'") if attr.uri.to_s == RDF.type.to_s add_triple(child, resource, RDF.type, val) else # Check for illegal attributes next unless is_propertyAttr?(attr) # Attributes not in RDF.type lit =, :language => child_ec.language) add_triple(child, resource, attr.uri, lit) end end add_triple(child, subject, predicate, resource) # Reification reify(id, child, subject, predicate, resource, child_ec) if id end end end # Return subject subject end private # Reify subject, predicate, and object given the EvaluationContext (ec) and current XMl element (el) def reify(id, el, subject, predicate, object, ec) add_debug(el, "reify, id: #{id}") rsubject = ec.base.join("#" + id) add_triple(el, rsubject, RDF.subject, subject) add_triple(el, rsubject, RDF.predicate, predicate) add_triple(el, rsubject, RDF.object, object) add_triple(el, rsubject, RDF.type, RDF["Statement"]) end # Figure out the subject from the element. def parse_subject(el, ec) old_property_check(el) nodeElementURI_check(el) about = el.attribute("about") id = el.attribute("ID") nodeID = el.attribute("nodeID") if nodeID && about add_debug(el, "Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:about.") raise"Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:about.") if @strict elsif nodeID && id add_debug(el, "Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:ID.") raise"Cannot have rdf:nodeID and rdf:ID.") if @strict end case when id add_debug(el, "parse_subject, id: '#{RDF::NTriples.escape(id.value)}'") id_check(el, RDF::NTriples.escape(id.value), ec.base) # Returns URI when nodeID # The value of rdf:nodeID must match the XML Name production nodeID = nodeID_check(el, RDF::NTriples.escape(nodeID.value)) add_debug(el, "parse_subject, nodeID: '#{nodeID}") bnode(nodeID) when about about = RDF::NTriples.escape(about.value) add_debug(el, "parse_subject, about: '#{about}'") ec.base.join(about) else add_debug(el, "parse_subject, BNode") end end # ID attribute must be an NCName def id_check(el, id, base) if NC_REGEXP.match(id) # ID may only be specified once for the same URI if base # FIXME: Known bug in RDF::URI#join uri = base.join("##{id}") if @id_mapping[id] && @id_mapping[id] == uri warn = "ID addtribute '#{id}' may only be defined once for the same URI" add_debug(el, warn) raise if @strict end @id_mapping[id] = uri # Returns URI, in this case else id end else warn = "ID addtribute '#{id}' must be a NCName" add_debug(el, "ID addtribute '#{id}' must be a NCName") add_debug(el, warn) raise if @strict nil end end # nodeID must be an XML Name # nodeID must pass Production rdf-id def nodeID_check(el, nodeID) if NC_REGEXP.match(nodeID) nodeID else add_debug(el, "nodeID addtribute '#{nodeID}' must be an XML Name") raise"nodeID addtribute '#{nodeID}' must be a NCName") if @strict nil end end # Is this attribute a Property Attribute? def is_propertyAttr?(attr) if ([RDF.Description.to_s,] + OLD_TERMS).include?(attr.uri.to_s) warn = "Invalid use of rdf:#{}" add_debug(attr, warn) raise if @strict return false end !CORE_SYNTAX_TERMS.include?(attr.uri.to_s) && attr.namespace && attr.namespace.href != RDF::XML.to_s end # Check Node Element name def nodeElementURI_check(el) if (CORE_SYNTAX_TERMS + [] + OLD_TERMS).include?(el.uri.to_s) warn = "Invalid use of rdf:#{}" add_debug(el, warn) raise if @strict end end # Check Property Element name def propertyElementURI_check(el) if (CORE_SYNTAX_TERMS + [RDF.Description.to_s] + OLD_TERMS).include?(el.uri.to_s) warn = "Invalid use of rdf:#{}" add_debug(el, warn) raise if @strict end end # Check for the use of an obsolete RDF property def old_property_check(el) el.attribute_nodes.each do |attr| if OLD_TERMS.include?(attr.uri.to_s) add_debug(el, "Obsolete attribute '#{attr.uri}'") raise"Obsolete attribute '#{attr.uri}'") if @strict end end end end end