class FluQ::Input::Kafka < FluQ::Input::Base # Constructor. # @option options [String] :topic the name of the topic to consume # @option options [String] :group # The unique consumer group name. Each topic message is consumed only once by members of the same group. # If you have multiple thread/process instances running, make sure you assign them the same group name to # ensure events are not duplicated. # @option options [String] :brokers an array of "HOST:PORT" broker addresses, e.g. ["localhost:9092"] # @option options [String] :zookeepers an array of "HOST:PORT" zookeeper addresses, e.g. ["localhost:2181"] # @option options [Integer] :max_bytes maximum number of bytes to fetch # Default: 1048576 (1MB) # @option options [Integer] :max_wait_ms how long to block until the server sends us data. # Default: 100 (100ms) # @option options [Integer] :min_bytes smallest amount of data the server should send us. # Default: 0 (send us data as soon as it is ready) # @option options [Class] :consumer_class the consumer class to use. # Ddefault: FluQ::Kafka::Consumer # # @raises [ArgumentError] when no topic provided # # @example # # handlers, # topic: "page-views", # group: "fluq", # brokers: ["localhost:9092"], # zookeepers: ["localhost:2181"] def initialize(*) super end # @return [String] short name def name "kafka:#{config[:topic]}" end # @return [String] descriptive name def description "#{name} (#{config[:group]} <- #{config[:brokers].join(',')})" end # Start the loop def run super consumer.fetch_loop do |partition, bulk| process partition, bulk end end # Processes messages # @param [Integer] partition # @param [Array] messages def process(partition, messages) events = [] messages.each do |m| events.concat format.parse(m.value) end events.each do |event| event.meta.update topic: config[:topic], partition: partition end worker.process events end protected def consumer @consumer ||= config[:consumer_class].new config[:group], config[:brokers], config[:zookeepers], config[:topic], min_bytes: config[:min_bytes], max_bytes: config[:max_bytes], max_wait_ms: config[:max_wait_ms] end def configure raise ArgumentError, 'No topic provided, make sure you pass a :topic option' unless config[:topic] end def defaults super.merge \ group: "fluq", min_bytes: 0, max_bytes: (1024 * 1024), max_wait_ms: 100, brokers: ["localhost:9092"], zookeepers: ["localhost:2181"], consumer_class: ::FluQ::Kafka::Consumer end def before_terminate @consumer.close if @consumer rescue ThreadError ensure @consumer = nil end end