require 'open-uri' require 'base64' class Prawn::Svg::Parser::Image Error = DATAURL_REGEXP = /(data:image\/(png|jpg);base64(;[a-z0-9]+)*,)/ URL_REGEXP = /^https?:\/\/|#{DATAURL_REGEXP}/ class FakeIO def initialize(data) @data = data end def read @data end end def initialize(document) @document = document @url_cache = {} end def parse(element) attrs = element.attributes url = attrs['xlink:href'] || attrs['href'] if url.nil? raise Error, "image tag must have an xlink:href" end if !url.match(URL_REGEXP) raise Error, "image tag xlink:href attribute must use http, https or data scheme" end image = begin retrieve_data_from_url(url) rescue => e raise Error, "Error retrieving URL #{url}: #{e.message}" end x = x(attrs['x'] || 0) y = y(attrs['y'] || 0) width = distance(attrs['width']) height = distance(attrs['height']) return if || raise Error, "width and height must be 0 or higher" if width < 0 || height < 0 par = (attrs['preserveAspectRatio'] || "xMidYMid meet").strip.split(/\s+/) par.shift if par.first == "defer" align, meet_or_slice = par slice = meet_or_slice == "slice" if slice element.add_call "save" element.add_call "rectangle", [x, y], width, height element.add_call "clip" end options = {} case align when /\Ax(Min|Mid|Max)Y(Min|Mid|Max)\z/ ratio = image_ratio(image) options[:fit] = [width, height] unless slice if (width/height > ratio) == slice options[:width] = width if slice y -= case $2 when "Min" then 0 when "Mid" then (height - width/ratio)/2 when "Max" then height - width/ratio end else options[:height] = height if slice x += case $1 when "Min" then 0 when "Mid" then (width - height*ratio)/2 when "Max" then width - height*ratio end end when 'none' options[:width] = width options[:height] = height else raise Error, "unknown preserveAspectRatio align keyword; ignoring image" end options[:at] = [x, y] element.add_call "image",, options element.add_call "restore" if slice rescue Error => e @document.warnings << e.message end protected def image_dimensions(data) handler = if data[0, 3].unpack("C*") == [255, 216, 255] Prawn::Images::JPG elsif data[0, 8].unpack("C*") == [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10] Prawn::Images::PNG else raise Error, "Unsupported image type supplied to image tag; Prawn only supports JPG and PNG" end image = [image.width, image.height] end def image_ratio(data) w, h = image_dimensions(data) w.to_f / h.to_f end def retrieve_data_from_url(url) @url_cache[url] || begin if m = url.match(DATAURL_REGEXP) data = Base64.decode64(url[m[0].length .. -1]) else data = open(url).read end @url_cache[url] = data if @document.cache_images data end end %w(x y distance).each do |method| define_method(method) {|*a| @document.send(method, *a)} end end