require 'active_support' class Jason < Linkbot::Plugin Linkbot::Plugin.register('jason', self, { :message => {:regex =>'(?:!randomlink|!jason)(?: (\d+))?'), :handler => :on_message, :help => :help}, :"direct-message" => {:regex =>'(?:!randomlink|!jason)(?: (\d+))?'), :handler => :on_message, :help => :help} } ) def self.on_message(message, matches) times = matches[0] reddits = { "/r/pics/" => 10, "/r/comics/" => 10, "/r/wallpaper/" => 10, "/r/gonewild/" => 2, "/r/funny/" => 10, "/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/" => 10, "/r/" => 10, "/r/WTF/" => 10, "/r/bestof/" => 10, "/r/videos/" => 10, "/r/aww" => 10, } # Build out a weighted range total_value = reddits.values.reduce(:+) last_end = 0.0 reddits.each do |k,v| reddits[k] = [last_end, last_end + (v.to_f / total_value)*100] last_end += (v.to_f / total_value) * 100 end times = times ? times.to_i : 1 times = times <= 5 ? times : 5 messages = [] 1.upto(times) do # Brute force this mother subreddit = nil val = rand(100000)/1000.0 reddits.each {|k,v| if val >= v[0] && val <= v[1] subreddit = "{k}.json" break end } puts subreddit doc = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(open(subreddit, "Cookie" => "reddit_session=8390507%2C2011-03-22T07%3A06%3A44%2C2516dcc69a22ad297b9900cbde147b365203bbbb").read) url = doc["data"]["children"][rand(doc["data"]["children"].length)]["data"]["url"] # Check if it's an imgur link without an image extension if url =~ /http:\/\/(www\.)?imgur\.com/ && !['jpg','png','gif'].include?(url.split('.').last) # Fetch the imgur page and pull out the image doc = Hpricot(open(url).read) url ="img")[1]['src'] end messages << url end return messages.join("\n") end def "!randomlink - return a random link" end end