module Neo4j module Index # Adds an index on the given property # Notice that you normally don't have to do that since you simply can declare # that the property and index should be updated automatically by using the class method #index. # # The index operation will take place immediately unlike when using the Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods::index # method which instead will guarantee that the neo4j database and the lucene database will be consistent. # It uses a two phase commit when the transaction is about to be committed. # # ==== See also # Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods::index # def add_index(field, value=self[field]) self.class.add_index(wrapped_entity, field.to_s, value) end # Removes an index on the given property. # Just like #add_index this is normally not needed since you instead can declare it with the # #index class method instead. # # ==== See also # Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods::index # Neo4j::Index#add_index # def rm_index(field, value=self[field]) self.class.rm_index(wrapped_entity, field.to_s, value) end end end