module Gamefic module Query class Base NEST_REGEXP = / in | on | of | from | inside / attr_reader :arguments def initialize *args @arguments = args end # Determine whether the query allows ambiguous entity references. # If false, actions that use this query will only be valid if the token # passed into it resolves to a single entity. If true, actions will # accept an array of matching entities instead. # Queries are not ambiguous by default (ambiguous? == false). # # @return [Boolean] def ambiguous? false end # Subclasses should override this method with the logic required to collect # all entities that exist in the query's context. # # @return [Array] def context_from(subject) [] end # Get a collection of objects that exist in the subject's context and # match the provided token. The result is provided as a Matches object. # # @return [Gamefic::Query::Matches] def resolve(subject, token, continued: false) available = context_from(subject) return[], '', token) if available.empty? if continued return Matches.execute(available, token, continued: continued) elsif nested?(token) drill = denest(available, token) drill.keep_if{ |e| accept?(e) } return, token, '') unless drill.length != 1 return[], '', token) end result ={ |e| e.specified?(token) } result ={ |e| e.specified?(token, fuzzy: true) } if result.empty? result.keep_if{ |e| accept? e }, (result.empty? ? '' : token), (result.empty? ? token : '')) end def include?(subject, object) return false unless accept?(object) result = context_from(subject) result.include?(object) end # A ranking of how precise the query's arguments are. # # Query precision is a factor in calculating Action#rank. # # @return [Integer] def precision if @precision.nil? @precision = 1 arguments.each { |a| if a.is_a?(Class) @precision += 100 elsif a.is_a?(Gamefic::Entity) @precision += 1000 end } @precision end @precision end alias rank precision def signature "#{self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase}(#{simplify_arguments.join(', ')})" end # Determine whether the specified entity passes the query's arguments. # # @return [Boolean] def accept?(entity) result = true arguments.each do |a| result = if a.is_a?(Symbol) (entity.send(a) != false) elsif a.is_a?(Regexp) !entity.to_s.match(a).nil? elsif a.is_a?(Module) || a.is_a?(Class) entity.is_a?(a) else (entity == a) end break if result == false end result end protected # Return an array of the entity's children. If the child is accessible, # recursively append its children. # The result will NOT include the original entity itself. # # @return [Array] def subquery_accessible entity return [] if entity.nil? result = [] if entity.accessible? entity.children.each do |c| result.push c result.concat subquery_accessible(c) end end result end private def simplify_arguments do |a| if a.is_a?(Class) || a.is_a?(Object) a.to_s.split('::').last.downcase else a.to_s.downcase end end end def nested?(token) !token.match(NEST_REGEXP).nil? end def denest(objects, token) parts = token.split(NEST_REGEXP) current = parts.pop last_result = { |e| e.specified?(current) } last_result = { |e| e.specified?(current, fuzzy: true) } if last_result.empty? until parts.empty? current = "#{parts.last} #{current}" result = { |e| e.specified?(current) } result = { |e| e.specified?(current, fuzzy: true) } if result.empty? break if result.empty? parts.pop last_result = result end return [] if last_result.empty? or last_result.length > 1 return last_result if parts.empty? denest(last_result[0].children, parts.join(' ')) end end end end