# vagrant-zones Vagrant Plugin which can be used to managed Bhyve, LX and native zones on illumos (OmniOSce) This project is still in the early stages, any feedback is much appreciated [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/vagrant-zones.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/vagrant-zones) - [Status](#status) - [Functions](../../wiki/Status#functions) - [Boxes](../../wiki/Status#Box-Support) - [Examples](https://github.com/STARTCloud/vagrant-zones-examples) - [Installation](#installation) - [Known Issues](../../wiki/Known-Issues-and-Workarounds) - [Development](../../wiki/Plugin-Development-Environment) - [Preparing OS environment](../../wiki/Plugin-Development-Environment#setup-os-for-development) - [Setup vagrant-zones environment](../../wiki/Plugin-Development-Environment#setup-vagrant-zones-environment) - [Commands](../../wiki/Commands) - [Create a box](../../wiki/Commands#create-a-box) - [Add the box](../../wiki/Commands#add-the-box) - [Run the box](../../wiki/Commands#run-the-box) - [SSH into the box](../../wiki/Commands#ssh-into-the-box) - [Shutdown the box and cleanup](../../wiki/Commands#shutdown-the-box-and-cleanup) - [Convert the Box](../../wiki/Commands#convert) - [Detect existing VMs](../../wiki/Commands#detect) - [Create, Manage, Destroy ZFS snapshots](../../wiki/Commands#zfs-snapshots) - [Clone and existing zone](../../wiki/Commands#clone) - [Safe restart/shutdown](../../wiki/Commands#safe-control) - [Start/Stop console](../../wiki/Commands#console) ## Installation Publiched Package locations: - [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/vagrant-zones). - [github.com](../../packages) ### Setup OS Installation * ooce/library/libarchive * system/bhyve * system/bhyve/firmware * ooce/application/vagrant * ruby-26 * zadm ### Setup vagrant-zones To install it in a standard vagrant environment: `vagrant plugin install vagrant-zones` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/STARTcloud/vagrant-zones/issues ## License This project is licensed under the AGPL v3 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ## Built With * [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) - Portable Development Environment Suite. * [bhyve](https://omnios.org/info/bhyve) - Hypervisor. * [zadm](https://github.com/omniosorg/zadm) - Bhyve Management tool ## Contributing Sources and References * [vagrant-bhyve](https://github.com/jesa7955/vagrant-bhyve) - A Vagrant plugin for FreeBSD to spin up Bhyve Guests. * [vagrant-zone](https://github.com/skylime/vagrant-zone) - A Vagrant plugin to spin up LXZones. ## Contributing Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://www.prominic.net) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Authors * **Thomas Merkel** - *Initial work* - [Skylime](https://github.com/skylime) * **Mark Gilbert** - *Takeover* - [Makr91](https://github.com/Makr91) See also the list of [contributors](../../graphs/contributors) who participated in this project. ## Acknowledgments * Hat tip to anyone whose code was used