/* * Copyright 2021-Present Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "core/utils/split_string.hxx" #include "internal/exceptions_internal.hxx" #include "internal/logging.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include namespace couchbase::core::transactions { enum class forward_compat_stage { WWC_READING_ATR, WWC_REPLACING, WWC_REMOVING, WWC_INSERTING, WWC_INSERTING_GET, GETS, GETS_READING_ATR, CLEANUP_ENTRY }; static forward_compat_stage create_forward_compat_stage(const std::string& str) { if (str == "WW_R") { return forward_compat_stage::WWC_READING_ATR; } else if (str == "WW_RP") { return forward_compat_stage::WWC_REPLACING; } else if (str == "WW_RM") { return forward_compat_stage::WWC_REMOVING; } else if (str == "WW_I") { return forward_compat_stage::WWC_INSERTING; } else if (str == "WW_IG") { return forward_compat_stage::WWC_INSERTING_GET; } else if (str == "G") { return forward_compat_stage::GETS; } else if (str == "G_A") { return forward_compat_stage::GETS_READING_ATR; } else if (str == "CL_E") { return forward_compat_stage::CLEANUP_ENTRY; } throw std::runtime_error("Unknown forward compatibility stage"); } enum class forward_compat_behavior { CONTINUE, RETRY_TXN, FAIL_FAST_TXN }; inline forward_compat_behavior create_forward_compat_behavior(const std::string& str) { if (str == "r") { return forward_compat_behavior::RETRY_TXN; } return forward_compat_behavior::FAIL_FAST_TXN; } // used only for logging inline const char* forward_compat_behavior_name(forward_compat_behavior b) { switch (b) { case forward_compat_behavior::CONTINUE: return "CONTINUE"; case forward_compat_behavior::RETRY_TXN: return "RETRY_TXN"; case forward_compat_behavior::FAIL_FAST_TXN: return "FAIL_FAST_TRANSACTION"; } return "unknown behavior"; } struct forward_compat_behavior_full { forward_compat_behavior behavior; std::optional retry_delay; forward_compat_behavior_full(forward_compat_behavior b, std::optional r) : behavior(b) , retry_delay(r) { } forward_compat_behavior_full(const tao::json::value& j) { std::string b = j.at("b").get_string(); behavior = create_forward_compat_behavior(b); if (const auto* ra = j.find("ra"); ra != nullptr) { retry_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(ra->get_unsigned()); } } template friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const forward_compat_behavior_full& b) { os << "forward_compat_behavior_full:{"; os << "behavior: " << forward_compat_behavior_name(b.behavior); if (b.retry_delay) { os << ", retry_delay: " << b.retry_delay->count() << " ms"; } os << "}"; } }; struct forward_compat_supported { uint32_t protocol_major = 2; uint32_t protocol_minor = 0; std::list extensions{ "TI", "MO", "BM", "QU", "SD", "BF3787", "BF3705", "BF3838", "RC", "UA", "CO", "BF3791", "CM", "SI", "QC", "IX" }; }; struct forward_compat_requirement { forward_compat_behavior_full behavior; forward_compat_requirement(forward_compat_behavior_full b) : behavior(b) { } virtual forward_compat_behavior_full check(forward_compat_supported supported) = 0; virtual ~forward_compat_requirement() = default; }; struct forward_compat_protocol_requirement : public forward_compat_requirement { uint32_t min_protocol_major; uint32_t min_protocol_minor; forward_compat_protocol_requirement(forward_compat_behavior_full b, uint32_t min_major, uint32_t min_minor) : forward_compat_requirement(b) , min_protocol_major(min_major) , min_protocol_minor(min_minor) { } virtual forward_compat_behavior_full check(forward_compat_supported supported) { if ((min_protocol_major > supported.protocol_major) || (min_protocol_minor > supported.protocol_minor)) { return behavior; } return { forward_compat_behavior::CONTINUE, std::nullopt }; } }; struct forward_compat_extension_requirement : public forward_compat_requirement { std::string extension_id; forward_compat_extension_requirement(forward_compat_behavior_full b, const std::string ext) : forward_compat_requirement(b) , extension_id(ext) { } virtual forward_compat_behavior_full check(forward_compat_supported supported) { auto it = std::find(supported.extensions.begin(), supported.extensions.end(), extension_id); if (it == supported.extensions.end()) { return behavior; } return { forward_compat_behavior::CONTINUE, std::nullopt }; } }; class forward_compat { private: std::map> compat_map_; tao::json::value json_; std::optional check_internal(forward_compat_stage stage, forward_compat_supported supported) { if (auto it = compat_map_.find(stage); it != compat_map_.end()) { transaction_operation_failed ex(FAIL_OTHER, "Forward Compatibililty failure"); ex.cause(FORWARD_COMPATIBILITY_FAILURE); for (const auto& b : it->second) { auto behavior = b->check(supported); switch (behavior.behavior) { case forward_compat_behavior::FAIL_FAST_TXN: CB_TXN_LOG_TRACE("forward compatiblity FAIL_FAST_TXN"); return ex; case forward_compat_behavior::RETRY_TXN: CB_TXN_LOG_TRACE("forward compatibility RETRY_TXN"); if (behavior.retry_delay) { CB_TXN_LOG_TRACE("delay {}ms before retrying", behavior.retry_delay->count()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(*behavior.retry_delay); } return ex.retry(); case forward_compat_behavior::CONTINUE: default: break; } } } return std::nullopt; } forward_compat(tao::json::value& json) : json_(json) { CB_TXN_LOG_TRACE("creating forward_compat from {}", core::utils::json::generate(json_)); // parse it into the map for (const auto& [key, value] : json_.get_object()) { auto stage = create_forward_compat_stage(key); // the value is an array of forward_compat_behavior_full objects for (const auto& item : value.get_array()) { forward_compat_behavior_full behavior(item); if (const auto* b = item.find("b"); b != nullptr) { if (const auto* e = item.find("e")) { std::string ext = e->get_string(); compat_map_[stage].push_back(new forward_compat_extension_requirement(behavior, ext)); } else if (const auto* p = item.find("p")) { std::string proto_string = p->get_string(); auto proto = core::utils::split_string(proto_string, '.'); compat_map_[stage].push_back(new forward_compat_protocol_requirement( behavior, static_cast(std::stoi(proto[0])), static_cast(std::stoi(proto[1])))); } } } } } public: static std::optional check(forward_compat_stage stage, std::optional json) { if (json) { forward_compat_supported supported; forward_compat fc(json.value()); return fc.check_internal(stage, supported); } return std::nullopt; } }; } // namespace couchbase::core::transactions