Raffle V1 Game **Work In Progress. ----------------------------------- [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/raffle_v1.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/raffle_v1) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/keeperofthenecklace/rafflev1.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/keeperofthenecklace/rafflev1) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/keeperofthenecklace/rafflev1.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/keeperofthenecklace/rafflev1) In this application the admin sets up the raffle entry requirements. Users must meet the raffle validation requirements setup by the admin before entering into the game. To participate in a raffle game, an active/current user must first login. Once in side the program, the user must have sufficient points in their point ledger account before participating in the game. For example, a user with 0 points in their point ledger account can not participate. Users are first given points by the admin on a one time basis. Thereafter, any time they participate in a raffle, their total points awarded is reduced by how many points they spent entering into a raffle game. If a user wins a raffle game, the amount of winning points is automatically added to their existing point ledger accounts. Raffle drawings are generated by the admin. There are two kinds of drawings: manual or automatic. Only one of these methods can be used per raffle drawing. Manual drawings are generated by the admin on the drawing day by clicking on the 'Manual Drawing Botton.' Automatic drawings, on the contrary, requires a date and time to be set when the raffle game is first created. Then on the given day of the raffle drawing, the action of randommly selecting the winners are performed. A notification email is sent to all winners to inform them of their winnings. Setting Up The Application. Manually add Raffle_v1 to your Rails 4.1.x application. Add Raffle_v1 to your Gemfile. ```shell $ gem 'raffle_v1', :git => 'git://github.com/keeperofthenecklace/rafflev1.git' ``` Update your bundle ```shell $ bundle install ``` In config/routes.rb, mount the raffle engine ```shell Rails.application.routes.draw do mount RaffleV1::Engine => "/raffle_v1" end ``` Use the generator to copy migrations or generating seed ```shell $ rails g raffle_v1:install ``` If you have any question please send me an email: kotn_ep1@hotmail.com