module DataMiner class Schema include Blockenspiel::DSL attr_reader :configuration attr_reader :position_in_run attr_reader :create_table_options delegate :resource, :to => :configuration def initialize(configuration, position_in_run, create_table_options) @configuration = configuration @position_in_run = position_in_run @create_table_options = create_table_options @create_table_options.symbolize_keys! DataMiner.log_or_raise ":id => true is not allowed in create_table_options." if @create_table_options[:id] === true DataMiner.log_or_raise ":primary_key is not allowed in create_table_options. Use set_primary_key instead." if @create_table_options.has_key?(:primary_key) @create_table_options[:id] = false # always end def connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def table_name resource.table_name end def ideal_table @ideal_table ||= end def ideal_indexes @ideal_indexes ||= end def actual_indexes connection.indexes table_name end def description "Define a table called #{table_name} with primary key #{ideal_primary_key_name}" end def inspect "Schema(#{resource}): #{description}" end # lifted straight from activerecord-3.0.0.beta3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_definitions.rb %w( string text integer float decimal datetime timestamp time date binary boolean ).each do |column_type| class_eval <<-EOV def #{column_type}(*args) # def string(*args) options = args.extract_options! # options = args.extract_options! column_names = args # column_names = args # column_names.each { |name| ideal_table.column(name, '#{column_type}', options) } # column_names.each { |name| ideal_table.column(name, 'string', options) } end # end EOV end def column(*args) ideal_table.column(*args) end def index(columns, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! columns = Array.wrap columns name = options[:name] || connection.index_name(table_name, options.merge(:column => columns)) index_unique = options.has_key?(:unique) ? options[:unique] : true ideal_indexes.push, name, index_unique, columns) end def ideal_primary_key_name resource.primary_key.to_s end def actual_primary_key_name connection.primary_key(table_name).to_s end INDEX_PROPERTIES = %w{ name columns } def index_equivalent?(a, b) return false unless a and b INDEX_PROPERTIES.all? do |property| DataMiner.log_debug "...comparing #{a.send(property).inspect}.to_s <-> #{b.send(property).inspect}.to_s" a.send(property).to_s == b.send(property).to_s end end # FIXME mysql only (assume integer primary keys) def column_equivalent?(a, b) return false unless a and b a_type = a.type.to_s == 'primary_key' ? 'integer' : a.type.to_s b_type = b.type.to_s == 'primary_key' ? 'integer' : b.type.to_s a_type == b_type and == end %w{ column index }.each do |i| eval %{ def #{i}_needs_to_be_placed?(name) actual = actual_#{i} name return true unless actual ideal = ideal_#{i} name not #{i}_equivalent? actual, ideal end def #{i}_needs_to_be_removed?(name) ideal_#{i}(name).nil? end } end def ideal_column(name) ideal_table[name.to_s] end def actual_column(name) resource.columns_hash[name.to_s] end def ideal_index(name) ideal_indexes.detect { |ideal| == name.to_s } end def actual_index(name) actual_indexes.detect { |actual| == name.to_s } end def place_column(name) remove_column name if actual_column name ideal = ideal_column name DataMiner.log_debug "ADDING COLUMN #{name}" connection.add_column table_name, name, ideal.type.to_sym # symbol type! resource.reset_column_information end def remove_column(name) DataMiner.log_debug "REMOVING COLUMN #{name}" connection.remove_column table_name, name resource.reset_column_information end def place_index(name) remove_index name if actual_index name ideal = ideal_index name DataMiner.log_debug "ADDING INDEX #{name}" connection.add_index table_name, ideal.columns, :name => resource.reset_column_information end def remove_index(name) DataMiner.log_debug "REMOVING INDEX #{name}" connection.remove_index table_name, :name => name resource.reset_column_information end def run(run) _add_extra_columns _create_table _set_primary_key _remove_columns _add_columns _remove_indexes _add_indexes DataMiner.log_debug "ran #{inspect}" end EXTRA_COLUMNS = { :updated_at => :datetime, :created_at => :datetime, :data_miner_last_run_id => :integer, :data_miner_touch_count => :integer } def _add_extra_columns EXTRA_COLUMNS.each do |extra_name, extra_type| send extra_type, extra_name unless ideal_column extra_name end end def _create_table if not resource.table_exists? DataMiner.log_debug "CREATING TABLE #{table_name} with #{create_table_options.inspect}" connection.create_table table_name, create_table_options do |t| t.integer :data_miner_placeholder end resource.reset_column_information end end # FIXME mysql only def _set_primary_key if ideal_primary_key_name == 'id' and not ideal_column('id') DataMiner.log_debug "no special primary key set on #{table_name}, so using 'id'" column 'id', :primary_key end actual = actual_column actual_primary_key_name ideal = ideal_column ideal_primary_key_name if not column_equivalent? actual, ideal DataMiner.log_debug "looks like #{table_name} has a bad (or missing) primary key" if actual DataMiner.log_debug "looks like primary key needs to change from #{actual_primary_key_name} to #{ideal_primary_key_name}, re-creating #{table_name} from scratch" connection.drop_table table_name resource.reset_column_information _create_table end place_column ideal_primary_key_name DataMiner.log_debug "ADDING PRIMARY KEY #{ideal_primary_key_name}" connection.execute "ALTER TABLE `#{table_name}` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`#{ideal_primary_key_name}`)" end resource.reset_column_information end def _remove_columns resource.columns_hash.values.each do |actual| remove_column if column_needs_to_be_removed? end end def _add_columns ideal_table.columns.each do |ideal| place_column if column_needs_to_be_placed? end end def _remove_indexes actual_indexes.each do |actual| remove_index if index_needs_to_be_removed? end end def _add_indexes ideal_indexes.each do |ideal| next if == ideal_primary_key_name # this should already have been taken care of place_index if index_needs_to_be_placed? end end end end