require 'unit_spec_helper' require 'unit/notification_shared.rb' describe Rpush::Client::ActiveRecord::Gcm::Notification do it_should_behave_like 'an Notification subclass' let(:app) { Rpush::Client::ActiveRecord::Gcm::App.create!(name: 'test', auth_key: 'abc') } let(:notification_class) { Rpush::Client::ActiveRecord::Gcm::Notification } let(:notification) { } it "has a 'data' payload limit of 4096 bytes" do = { key: "a" * 4096 } expect(notification.valid?).to be_falsey expect(notification.errors[:base]).to eq ["Notification payload data cannot be larger than 4096 bytes."] end it 'limits the number of registration ids to 1000' do notification.registration_ids = ['a'] * (1000 + 1) expect(notification.valid?).to be_falsey expect(notification.errors[:base]).to eq ["Number of registration_ids cannot be larger than 1000."] end it 'validates expiry is present if collapse_key is set' do notification.collapse_key = 'test' notification.expiry = nil expect(notification.valid?).to be_falsey expect(notification.errors[:expiry]).to eq ['must be set when using a collapse_key'] end it 'includes time_to_live in the payload' do notification.expiry = 100 expect(notification.as_json['time_to_live']).to eq 100 end it 'includes content_available in the payload' do notification.content_available = true expect(notification.as_json['content_available']).to eq true end it 'sets the priority to high when set to high' do notification.priority = 'high' expect(notification.as_json['priority']).to eq 'high' end it 'sets the priority to normal when set to normal' do notification.priority = 'normal' expect(notification.as_json['priority']).to eq 'normal' end it 'validates the priority is either "normal" or "high"' do notification.priority = 'invalid' expect(notification.errors[:priority]).to eq ['must be one of either "normal" or "high"'] end it 'excludes the priority if it is not defined' do expect(notification.as_json).not_to have_key 'priority' end it 'includes the notification payload if defined' do notification.notification = { key: 'any key is allowed' } expect(notification.as_json).to have_key 'notification' end it 'excludes the notification payload if undefined' do expect(notification.as_json).not_to have_key 'notification' end it 'includes the dry_run payload if defined' do notification.dry_run = true expect(notification.as_json['dry_run']).to eq true end it 'excludes the dry_run payload if undefined' do expect(notification.as_json).not_to have_key 'dry_run' end # In Rails 4.2 this value casts to `false` and thus will not be included in # the payload. This changed to match Ruby's semantics, and will casts to # `true` in Rails 5 and above. if ActiveRecord.version <='5') it 'accepts non-booleans as a falsey value' do notification.dry_run = 'Not a boolean' expect(notification.as_json).not_to have_key 'dry_run' end else it 'accepts non-booleans as a truthy value' do notification.dry_run = 'Not a boolean' expect(notification.as_json['dry_run']).to eq true end end end if active_record?