require 'spec_helper' describe Bueller do let(:bueller_with_git) { } let(:bueller_without_git) { } let(:bueller) { } let(:git_dir_path) { File.join(FileSystem.tmp_dir, 'git') } let(:non_git_dir_path) { File.join(FileSystem.tmp_dir, 'nongit') } describe '#in_git_repo?' do it 'should return true if it is in a git repo' do FileUtils.mkdir_p git_dir_path Dir.chdir git_dir_path do Git.init end bueller_with_git.should be_in_git_repo end it 'should return false if it is not in a git repo' do FileUtils.mkdir_p non_git_dir_path bueller_without_git.should_not be_in_git_repo end end describe '#git_base_dir' do it 'should find the base repo' do bueller = bueller.git_base_dir.should == File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) end end describe '#write_gemspec' do it 'should build and run write gemspec command when writing gemspec' do Bueller::Commands::WriteGemspec.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.write_gemspec end end describe '#build_gem' do it 'should build and run build gem command when building gem' do Bueller::Commands::BuildGem.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.build_gem end end describe '#install_gem' do it 'should build and run build gem command when installing gem' do Bueller::Commands::InstallGem.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.install_gem end end describe '#bump_major_version' do it 'should build and run bump major version command when bumping major version' do Bueller::Commands::Version::BumpMajor.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.bump_major_version end end describe '#bump_major_version' do it 'should build and run bump minor version command when bumping minor version' do Bueller::Commands::Version::BumpMinor.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.bump_minor_version end end describe '#bump_major_version' do it 'should build and run write version command when writing version' do Bueller::Commands::Version::Write.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller, 1, 5, 2, 'a1') bueller.write_version(1, 5, 2, 'a1') end end describe '#bump_major_version' do it 'should build and run release to github command when running release_gem_to_github' do Bueller::Commands::ReleaseToGithub.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.release_gem_to_github end end describe '#bump_major_version' do it 'should build and tag the release' do Bueller::Commands::GitTagRelease.should_receive(:run_for).with(bueller) bueller.git_tag_release end end end