# encoding: utf-8 require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" # Loads bundler tasks Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks # Loads the Hexx::RSpec and its tasks begin require "hexx-suit" Hexx::Suit.install_tasks rescue LoadError require "hexx-rspec" Hexx::RSpec.install_tasks end # Sets the Hexx::RSpec :test task to default task :default do system "bundle exec rake test:coverage:run" end desc "Runs mutation metric before the first evil being kept" task :exhort do system "mutant -r ./spec/spec_helper --use rspec AbstractMapper* --fail-fast" end desc "Runs mutation metric to view all evils" task :mutant do system "mutant -r ./spec/spec_helper --use rspec AbstractMapper*" end