module ComposableOperations class ComposedOperation < Operation class << self def operations [] + Array((super if defined? super)) + Array(@operations) end def use(operation) (@operations ||= []) << operation end def compose(*operations, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Expects either an array of operations or a block with configuration instructions" unless !!block ^ !operations.empty? if block, &block) else do operations.each do |operation| use operation end end end end def transitions transitions = [] klass = self while klass != Operation klass = klass.superclass transitions += Array(klass.instance_variable_get(:@transitions)) end transitions += Array(@transitions) transitions end protected def between(&callback) (@transitions ||= []) << callback end end def operations self.class.operations end protected def execute [nil, *operations, nil].each_cons(2).inject(input) do |data, operations| if operation = operations.last operation = operation.perform if operation.failed? fail operation.message, operation.result, operation.backtrace elsif operation.halted? halt operation.message, operation.result end transition(*operations, data) if operations.first && operations.last operation.result else data end end end def transition(a, b, payload) self.class.transitions.each { |transition| instance_exec(a, b, payload, &transition) } end end end